

序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 7月
卷期 Vol.1 No.3
作者 許麗娟
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學醫學院圖書分館


關鍵字 合作館藏發展網際網路館藏發展
頁碼 35-55
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Title The Influences of the Internet on Library Collection Development
Author Li-chuan Hsu
Author's title Medical Library, National Taiwan University

Change in the library environment is multidimensional. Information technology represents the high points of this change, the deterioration of funding and the rising costs of operation clearly represent the low points. It is a combination of positive and negative elements in present climate of change that compels libraries to study the challenges and opportunities presented by interior and exterior forces and to explore strategies to cope with them. Network technology and the Internet that have brought about the recent proliferation of formal and informal electronic journals. Without the Internet, the electronic journals would not have been created, nor would a large body of literature from numerous online forums, listservs, and conferences. Librarians currently working in collection development must acquire new skills in the electronic environment and integrate them with their traditional strengths of subject expertise and their ability to function as user liaisons. The change will not eliminate their role as information selectors but rather empower them to navigate an ocean of information.

Keywords Collection developmentCooperative collection developmentInternet
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