Michael Gorman (1941-  )

序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1998
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.2 No.2
作者 王美鴻
作者任職單位 國立交通大學通識教育中心講師

本文旨在介紹圖書館界編目的權威Michael Gorman。文中,首先摘要簡介他在圖書館事業生涯的英國書目局、美國伊利諾大學及美國加州大學三個時期的工作經歷與論著。其後,綜合他參與修訂編目規則的經驗、擔任圖書館技術服務主管的經歷及發表的豐富論著,發現Michael Gorman是一位務實的圖書館員、熱忱的圖書館學的教育家、書目控制的權威及資訊技術的機能主義者。

關鍵字 Michael Gorman技術服務編目英美編目規則第二版
頁碼 83-106
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Title Michael Gorman (1941-- )
Author Mei-Hung Wang
Author's title Instructor, Division of General Education, National Chiao Tung University

This article introduces Mr. Michael Gorman, a well-known authority on library cataloging, an experienced editor in ISBD and AACR2, a leader in the technical services division and an enthusiastic educator in library science. As an authority on bibliographic control and a functionalist of information technology, Mr. Gorman has published numerous articles in many professional and scholarly journals.

Keywords AACR2CatalogingMichael GormanTechnical services
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序號 9
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2005
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.9 No.2
作者 張淑萍
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系

英美編目規則(AACR)出版迄今已有40年的歷史,因應電子期刊、網站和電子資料庫等新興資料類型蓬勃發展,以及線上編目和編目資源分享之環境,遂而修訂英美編目規則。英美編目規則第二版2002修訂版主要修訂PartⅠ著錄第十二章,並改章名為連續性資源,至於Part Ⅱ檢索款目選擇、標目、參照部分則修訂不多。而此修訂連帶促使機讀編目格式連續性資源相關欄位之增改,主要修訂有定長欄Leader 07 Bibl Level、部分008欄以及變長欄260欄三部分。

關鍵字 機讀編目格式英美編目規則連續性出版品連續性資源
頁碼 168-193
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Title A Study on Continuing Resources Related Cataloging Rulesand MARC Format
Author Shu-Ping Chang
Author's title Department of Library and Information Science, NTU

AACR has been published and implemented in the past 40 years. Due to rapid development of new carriers like electronic journals, websites, databases, and online cataloging and shared cataloging environment, AACR has undergone revisions. This major revision of AACR2(2002) is see in Chapter 12, PartⅠ, with chapter title changed to Continuing Resources. For Part Ⅱ, little change has been made for, choice of entry, heading, and reference. As to the major related changes of MARC21, they are Leader 07 Bibl Level, partial 008 field and 260 field.

Keywords AACR2Continuing resourcesMARC 21Serials
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