Shu-Fen Hung


序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2013
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.17 No.1
作者 洪淑芬
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館編審


關鍵字 圖書資訊學研究科學研究法系統開發研究法
頁碼 107-121
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DOI 10.6146/univj.17-1.06
Title Scientific Research Methodology for Library & InformationScience Research: With Information System DevelopmentMethodology as Example
Author Shu-Fen Hung
Author's title Librarian, Special Collections Division, National Taiwan University Library

The cross boundary research between library science and information science shows a great advancement in recent years. In the past, discourse of most researchers in library science had their focus on social aspects; therefore, the adopted sociology research methodologies have developed to a sophisticated level. In fact, the cross-disciplinary development has brought changes to library science research paradigm. With the broader scope of current library and information sciences, it would be very useful if we could also develop suitable research methodology for scientific researches. It is believed that suitable research methodology could help solve problems in an effective way so as to ensure good operational performance and user satisfaction. Reviewing some theories of scientific researches and scholars opinions regarding information science research methodologies, the author had information system development research as an example and advocated that researches concerning technical services of library science needed to adopt scientific research methodologies. The author also introduced the positive heuristic research approach and associated aspects that need to be included in the process for scientific researches of information system development and pointed out the possible benefits of a scientific research approach for such researches. It is hoped that this initial discussion could anticipate the development of a set of sophisticated scientific research methodology for library science researchers and be beneficial.

Keywords information system development methodologylibrary and information science researchscientific research methodology
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DOI 10.6146/univj.17-1.06


序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.5 No.2
作者 洪淑芬
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館特藏組

「合作館藏維護」(cooperative preservation project)在美日等先進國家已行之有年,此種計畫可以幫助典藏有需要加以維護保存的古籍資料之機構,有計畫的循標準規格將資料儲存於另一種媒體,裨益文化資產的保存與資源分享。本文首先闡述「合作館藏維護」的必要性,接著列舉整理善本古籍的工作範疇,簡介中文古籍的典藏概要,回顧海峽兩岸至目前為止有關中文古籍的合作議題,然後透過對日本國文學研究資料館事業的瞭解,提出海峽兩岸合作維護中文古籍之建議。論文中並就如何篩選資料以進行維護工作、資料類型轉換以何種方式進行較為穩當等,提出說明和建議。最後並對「合作館藏維護」之試金石─「國家典藏數位計畫」提出建議,也呼籲圖書館同業積極參與,以及政府大力支持此種計畫。

關鍵字 中文古籍合作館藏維護國家典藏數位化計畫資料保存資料形式轉換資料微縮化資料維護
頁碼 71-88
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Title Cooperative Preservation Project for Old Rare Books: A Japanese Example
Author Shu-Fen Hung
Author's title Special Collections Department, National Taiwan University Library

Cooperative preservation projects have been undertaken for years in developed countries such as the United States and Japan. These projects will assist those institutions holding old and precious collections in order to save the image of the collections in a different media, hence those precious materials can be well preserved and shared among libraries. This paper first states the importance of cooperative preservation project, then points out the various tasks needed to preserve old and rare books in Taiwan and Mainland China, finally suggests some important ways in selecting valuable materials to be preserved. A comparison between microfilming and digitization is also provided in this paper.

Keywords Chinese old booksCooperative preservation projectData conversionMicrofilmingNational digital archive projectPreservation and conservation
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