序號 | 3 |
刊名 | 大學圖書館 |
年份 | 2002 |
出版月份 | 9月 |
卷期 | Vol.6 No.2 |
作者 | 廖又生 |
作者任職單位 | 國立陽明大學醫務管理研究所 |
摘要 |
圖書館法是各類型圖書館發展的準據,本篇論文主要目的在明悉資源共享政策條款之結構與功能諸面向問題,並針對我國圖書館法第十三條規定提出修正或調整之建議,俾袪除其窒礙難行之弊。 |
關鍵字 | 策略聯盟 / 資源共享 / 館際合作 / |
頁碼 | 44-50 |
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DOI | |
Review | |
Title | The Current Status & Problem of Resource Sharing Policy in Library Law |
Author | Yu-sheng Liao |
Author's title | Institute of Hospital and Care Administration, National Yang-Ming University |
Abstract |
Library law is the principal basis of the development of all kind of libraries. The main purpose of this article is to understand the structures and functions of resource sharing policy clause. At final, this paper will offer suggestions to help tevise the thirteenth clause in library law. |
Keywords | Interlibrary cooperation / Resource sharing / strategic alliance / |
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