序號 | 8 |
刊名 | 大學圖書館 |
年份 | 2008 |
出版月份 | 9月 |
卷期 | Vol.12 No.2 |
作者 | 李中然 |
作者任職單位 | 淡江大學漢語文化暨文獻資源研究所碩士生 |
摘要 |
國立臺灣大學圖書館「石原文庫」所藏,是日人石原幸作的舊藏。石原幸作為日治時期臺灣日日新報社負責人,也是當時知名的金石篆刻家及古物收藏家,藏書以印譜、書法碑帖、畫帖及硯譜為主,其中以印譜佔總數之近半為最大宗。石原幸作逝世後,他的藏書由臺北帝國大學預科所存藏。臺灣光復後,臺灣大學接收原臺北帝國大學藏書,使石原文庫成為臺灣大學圖書館的重要館藏之一。石原文庫所典藏的印譜大致上可以分為三種類型,一為石原幸作所收藏之印譜、一為印友專譜及印友結社之集刻印譜、一為石原幸作之個人印譜,而這些印譜相當程度的反應了日治時期的篆刻活動概況。就現存之日治時期臺灣篆刻文獻極為短缺的情形來看,石原文庫是研究該時期篆刻活動相當重要的第一手資料。 |
關鍵字 | 印譜 / 石原幸作 / 石原文庫 / 石原西涯 / 篆刻 / |
頁碼 | 171-190 |
全文 | 全文下載 |
DOI | 10.6146/univj.2008.12-2.08 |
Review | |
Title | Brief Introduction to Sigillary Prints in the Ishihara Library of National Taiwan University: Ishihara Saku and His Sigillary Prints Collection |
Author | Chung-Jan Lee |
Author's title | Graduate Student, Graduate Institute of Chinese Linguistics and Documentation,Tamkang University |
Abstract |
The Ishihara Library at the National Taiwan University library houses a collection formerly belonging to Ishihara Saku, a Japanese in charge of Taiwan Daily News during the Japanese Colonization Period, and a renowned seal-cutting artist and antique collector. Approximately half of his collection consists of sigillary prints, with rubbings of calligraphy copybooks, Chinese paintings copybooks, and inkstone prints making up the rest. After Ishihara Saku passed away, his collection was preserved by the Preparatory School of the Taipei Imperial University, and later taken over by the National Taiwan University after Taiwan Retrocession, becoming one of the most important treasures of the university library. Basically, sigillary prints in the Ishihara Library can be classified into three categories: sigillary prints collected by Ishihara Saku, original prints by fellow seal-cutting artists and collective sigillary prints by members of seal-cutting societies, and sigillary prints by Ishihara Saku himself. These sigillary prints, to a certain degree, reflect the overall status of seal-engraving activities during the Japanese Colonization Period, making the Ishihara Library a critical first-hand information source for related research, particularly in light of the serious lack of documentation available. |
Keywords | Ishihara collection / Ishihara Saku / Ishihara Seigai / Seal-cutting / Sigillary prints / |
fulltext | 全文下載 |
DOI | 10.6146/univj.2008.12-2.08 |