

序號 10
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 1月
卷期 Vol.1 No.1
作者 李明錦
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館編目組


關鍵字 分擔編目合作編目抄錄編目書目供應中心編目記錄品質編目記錄產量
頁碼 103-122
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Title The Study of the Influences of the Developments of Bibliographic Utilities and Networks to the Cooperative Cataloging among Libraries in the United States
Author Ming-ching Lee
Author's title Cataloging Department, National Taiwan University Library

Owing to the increased amount of information and the rapid development of technologies, libraries need to work together to catalog precisely and cost-effectively. Cooperative cataloging is the only way that can be used to achieve it. Nowadays, bibliographic utilities and networks have deeply influenced the operations of libraries in the United States, and the methods of cooperative cataloging as well. In the very beginning, this article studies the basic concepts and functions of cooperative cataloging, then presents the effects and problems that bibliographic utilities and networks have caused. At the end of this article, some active solutions are offered to solve these problems.

Keywords Bibliographic utilitiesCooperative catalogingCopy catalogingQuality of cataloging recordQuantity of cataloging recordShared cataloging
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