

序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 10月
卷期 Vol.3 No.4
作者 邱雅暖
作者任職單位 國立中正文化中心表演藝術圖書室


關鍵字 參考服務評鑑服務品質評估調查者不介入法
頁碼 42-70
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Title The Study of Unobtrusive Reference service evaluation
Author Ya-Nuan Chiou
Author's title Performing Arts Library of National Chiang-Kai Shek Cultural Center

The evaluation of the quality of reference service gains its importance in three aspects, namely, the range of reference service, the complexity of contents with the change of environment, and the pressure of library resources reduction. In the past, the evaluation methods of reference service mainly focused on the library itself rather than its users. A valid evaluation of the quality of library service should take the readers’ requirements and efficiency of the library service into consideration. The unobtrusive reference evaluation, designed from a user’s perspective, has been widely used by researchers. It assesses not only the accuracy of library staff’s response to readers’ questions but also measures the staff’s behavior. This article first discusses the features of unobtrusive evaluation and its related literatures and then analyzes its application in the field of library and information science. Thus the information gained from the results of the unobtrusive evaluation can be incorporated into the process of library planning and hence improves the quality of library service.

Keywords Reference service evaluationService quality evaluationUnobtrusive
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