

序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1998
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.2 No.2
作者 呂春嬌
作者任職單位 國立臺灣師範大學圖書館典藏組組長


關鍵字 大學圖書館員終生學習社會繼續教育
頁碼 34-45
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Title An Approach to the Continuing Education of a University Librarian from the Prospective of a Lifelong Learning Society
Author Chung-chiao Lu
Author's title Head, Circulation Department, National Taiwan Normal University Library

This paper explores the possibility of a university librarian’s continuing education from the viewpoint of lifelong learning society. It first defines terms related to lifelong learning society and continuing education, secondly, it discusses the challenges facing university libraries in the lifelong learning society, and finally it looks at the problems and solutions of university libraries in the continuing education. By assisting the librarians developing their skills and knowledge will also enhance their contribution to the university.

Keywords Continuing educationLifelong learning societyUniversity librarian
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序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1998
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.2 No.2
作者 余純惠
作者任職單位 國立清華大學圖書館採編組


關鍵字 大學圖書館員終生學習社會繼續教育
頁碼 46-61
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Title Staff Development in University Libraries
Author Chwen-Huey Yu
Author's title Staff development is a conscious effort intended to strengthen the library’s function in providing the growth of its own human resources. The library is responsible in offering learning opportunities based on the needs and interest for its staff members. These activities should be organized according to the job relatedness and personnel potential. So the purpose of this paper is to introduce some basic concepts, related theories, and procedures of implementations of staff development. Questionnaires concerning the current situations of staff development in Taiwan will be provided in this paper to demonstrate the importance of staff development as a starting point in the infrastructure.

Staff development is a conscious effort intended to strengthen the library’s function in providing the growth of its own human resources. The library is responsible in offering learning opportunities based on the needs and interest for its staff members. These activities should be organized according to the job relatedness and personnel potential. So the purpose of this paper is to introduce some basic concepts, related theories, and procedures of implementations of staff development. Questionnaires concerning the current situations of staff development in Taiwan will be provided in this paper to demonstrate the importance of staff development as a starting point in the infrastructure.

Keywords Continuing educationLifelong learning societyUniversity librarian
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序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 10月
卷期 Vol.3 No.4
作者 呂春嬌
作者任職單位 國立臺灣師範大學圖書館典藏組組長

評鑑是任何組織欲檢測機構的目標與行為,並建立優先順序流程時的基本要素。而以此方式蒐集相關資源與資訊,各種計劃與行動將可以有效地且效率地達成。CIPP評鑑模式是背景評鑑(context evaluation)、輸入評鑑(input evaluation)、過程評鑑(process evaluation)、成果評鑑(product evaluation)四種評鑑方式的縮寫。目前教育評鑑一般是採用CIPP模式,分別從四個向度評鑑,一直有很好的評價。故本文從CIPP評鑑模式談起,包括評鑑的意義、目的與功能,CIPP評鑑概述及其在圖書館評鑑的應用。

關鍵字 CIPP評鑑圖書館評鑑背景評鑑輸入評鑑過程評鑑
頁碼 15-28
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Title An Approach to Library Evaluation from CIPP Evaluation Models
Author Chung-Chiao Lu
Author's title Head of Circulation Department, National Taiwan Normal University Library

Evaluation is an essential component for any organization intending to modify its goals, objectives, and establish priorities. Various programs and activities can be accomplished effectively and efficiently by using resources gained from this evaluation. CIPP stands for the four models of evaluation: context evaluation, input evaluation, process evaluation, product evaluation. At present, the CIPP models are widely used in the area of education evaluation. This paper tries to give a general introduction of CIPP evaluation, its definition and purposes, and its application in library evaluation.

Keywords CIPP evaluationContext evaluationInput evaluationLibrary evaluationProcess evaluation
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序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.5 No.2
作者 呂春嬌
作者任職單位 國立臺灣師範大學圖書館編目組


關鍵字 圖書館管理圖書館行政激勵理論行政管理
頁碼 113-128
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Title An Approach to the Library Management from the Motivation Theory
Author Chung-Chiao Lu
Author's title Cataloging Department, National Taiwan Normal University Library

Motivation theory is a very important part of management theory. This article discusses the definition, the types and the principles of motivation, and the application of motivation theory to library management.

Keywords Administration managementLibrary administrationLibrary managementMotivation theory
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