

序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2003
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.7 No.2
作者 林孟玲
作者任職單位 玄奘人文社會學院圖書資訊學系

追溯館藏發展歷史的軌跡,美國圖書館的館藏發展橫跨1950年到 1985年,圖書館館藏在資金充裕、高度需求與資源豐厚的情況下發展順利。其後受到經費短缺與資訊爆炸的壓力下取而代之的觀念為館藏管理,2000年受到資訊科技發展、高等教育改革與學術傳播改變等影響,館藏發展館員面對世紀的改變,必須發展新思維來面對未來挑戰,知識管理於是融入成為新的訴求。本文由過去發展演進探討「館藏發展」與「館藏管理」,並對新思維「知識管理」勾勒未來館藏發展館員的挑戰。

關鍵字 知識管理館藏發展館藏管理
頁碼 122-133
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Title The New Thought of Collection Development and Collection Management
Author Meng-Ling Lin
Author's title Dept. of Library and Information Science, Hsusan-Chuang College

According to the history of collection development in the United States, American libraries advocated the notion of collection development from 1950 to 1985 because of the abundant resources. With the shortage of budget and increase of information, the concept of collection management is substituted by the collection development. Due to the changes of information technology, higher education, and scholarly communication, librarians have to generate new ideas to meet the new challenges ahead. This article examines the collection development and management from a historical perspective and at the same time tackles the concept of knowledge management as the future trend in this field.

Keywords Collection developmentCollection managementKnowledge management
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序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2006
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.10 No.1
作者 楊美華
作者任職單位 國立政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所


關鍵字 公開取用學術傳播學術圖書館機構典藏電子資源館藏發展
頁碼 140-156
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Title A Study of Transformation of Scholarly Communication and Library Collection Development in an Electronic Age
Author Mei-hwa Yang
Author's title Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, National Chenchi University

The changing nature of scholarly communication and electronic publishing greatly challenge the library collection development in an electronic age. As a result Academic libraries need to integrate printed material and virtual collection. This paper aims at tracing the influence and the forces affecting the production, dissemination, and use of scholarly and scientific information. After discussing the movement of Open Access and Institutional Repositovative, creative, and affordable ways of sharing scholarly findings and tries to build common understandings of the challenges presented by electronic scholarly communication and to generate strategies for transforming the collection development.

Keywords academic libraryCollection developmentElectronic resourcesInstitutional repositoryOpen Accessscholarly communication
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