
序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.1 No.2
作者 廖又生
作者任職單位 國立陽明大學圖書館館長


關鍵字 人力資源依法行政工作簡化責任中心重建工程
頁碼 20-28
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Title A Case Study of Library Administrative Law: An Inspiration from Tzu Kerr lian's Inventions of Wooden Oxen and Transporting Horses
Author Yu sheng Liao
Author's title Director National Yang Ming University Library

It has become a fancy for enterprises to reengineer their organizations. For this reason library professionals follow suit. This paper introduces the strategies of organizational reengineering to help the planned organizational change. The author uses an ancient story in the period of the three Kingdoms to analyze and illuminate the possible problems that national university libraries may encounter while doing their reengineering work for the reference of library professionals.

Keywords Administration according to lawHuman resourcesReengineeringResponsibility centerWork simplification
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