
序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2016
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.20 No.2
作者 曾昱嫥;張慧銖
作者任職單位 國立中興大學圖書資訊學研究所研究生;國立中興大學圖書資訊學研究所教授

圖書館網站是使用者取得電子書的主要管道之一,由於電子書資源分散於各平台,需仰賴圖書館將其妥善整理與呈現。本研究選取兩所公立大學圖書館作為研究場域,從電子書使用者與館員兩個面向進行探討,共回收741 份使用者問卷,設計5 項查詢任務,邀請25 位有電子書使用經驗的學生接受測試與訪談,並且透過8 位館員瞭解圖書館提供電子書取用管道與編目現況。研究結果顯示,五成六的學生不曾使用過圖書館的電子書,有使用經驗者主要透過線上公用目錄取用電子書,並且優先選擇網頁階層數較少的管道。在不同查詢管道中,若使用者不清楚預設檢索點,會對查詢結果感到不滿意;若系統按鈕詞彙無法詮釋其功能意涵,將影響使用者獲取電子書。研究結果證實,圖書館為電子書加值目次、書影,或於書目紀錄中著錄平台名稱,在電子書清單中提供主題分類或熱門排序,皆有助於使用者辨識、選擇及獲取電子書。

頁碼 76-99
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DOI http://doi.org/10.6146/univj.20-2.05
Title A Study of E-book Accessing Channels and User Behavior in University Libraries
Author Yu-Chuan Tseng;Huei-Chu Chang
Author's title Graduate Student, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science, National Chung Hsing University;Professor, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science,National Chung Hsing University

The library website is one of the main channels for users to access e-books. Because e-books are dispersed among various platforms, users rely on librarians to organize and present e-books. This study investigates e-book users and librarians from two university libraries. 741 questionnaires were received. 25 students who had previous experience of using e-books were assigned 5 tasks and were interviewed. 8 librarians were investigated, in order to research how librarians catalogue and provide e-books. The results show that 56% students never used e-books that served by libraries. Students who had read e-books mostly accessed e-books by OPAC and preferred the layer from library homepage as low as possible. In different channels, if users don't know the default value of access point, they might be not satisfied with the search result. If the name of buttons doesn’t denote actual function of that button, it would affect the users when they attempt to access e-books. The results confirm that librarians can help users identify, select and obtain e-books by enhancing contents and covers of e-books, describing e-book platform name on bibliographic records, or providing subject classification and popular database.

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DOI http://doi.org/10.6146/univj.20-2.05