Ho-chin Chen


序號 1
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2008
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.12 No.1
作者 陳和琴;黃彩媚
作者任職單位 淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系副教授;淡江大學資訊與圖書館學研究所研究生


關鍵字 圖書推薦服務大學圖書館服務讀者推薦圖書
頁碼 1-21
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Title The Purchase Request Service for Academic Library Readers in Taiwan
Author Ho-chin Chen; Tsai-mei Huang
Author's title Associate Professor, Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University; Graduate Student, Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University

The development of library collections relies on not only professional selections by librarians but also requests by library users. With the prevalence of the Internet, many libraries now provide the purchase request service online. However, the convenience of this service has led to a serious increase of workload for the librarian. For the future development of purchase request services, the authors investigated and analyzed the websites of 30 academic libraries in Taiwan, focusing on six issues: name of the service, location of the service within the website, data type, interface design, request policy and request result notification method, to offer some suggestions on their improvement.

Keywords Academic library servicesPurchase request serviceReader's request for purchase
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序號 1
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.5 No.2
作者 陳和琴
作者任職單位 淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系


關鍵字 數位典藏數位化資料保存詮釋資料
頁碼 2-11
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Title The Research on Metadata and Digital Preservation
Author Ho-Chin Chen
Author's title Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University

It is now widely accepted that metadata is a key part of digital preservation strategies. The purpose of this paper is to examine issues related to the preservation metadata. The paper begins by describing the uses of metadata and clarifying key concepts of digital preservation, the moves into the development of existing preservation metadata projects and the specification of preservation metadata elements.

Keywords Digital preservationMetadataPreservation metadata
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2005
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.9 No.2
作者 陳和琴;余怜縈
作者任職單位 淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系


關鍵字 多語言主題檢索線上目錄
頁碼 26-45
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Title Exploring Multilingual Subject Access to Online Catalogs
Author Ho-chin Chen; Ling-Ying Yu
Author's title Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University

Since the Internet has become a new challenge of multilingualism and for resources sharing, several countries in Europe have created collaborative projects aiming to provide multilingual subject access to library catalogs. The projects will enable users to search simultaneously with a single query in the language of their choice for all relevant documents. This article describes the backgrounds of the projects such as MACS and MSAC, and explores a few suggestions for the future developments in multilingual subject access to our library catalogs.

Keywords MACSMSACMultilingual Access to SubjectsMultilingual Subject Access to Catalogues of National LibrariesOnline catalog
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