Vol.9 No.2

Vol.9 No.2


Vol.9 No.2


序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2005
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.9 No.2
作者 潘淑惠
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系


關鍵字 使用者研究使用者需求圖書館建築圖書館空間大學圖書館
頁碼 146-167
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Title A Study of Users Space Needs for the Academic Library
Author Shu-Hui Pan
Author's title Department of Library and Information Science, NTU

A library is a functional building. The designing of an academic library should serve and support the needs of the users and the goals of the institute. To identify the needs of the users would be the most important topic of architecture designing. Previously, the functions of an academic library were mainly to fulfill three purposes: housing for the collections, service to readers, and space for staff activities. Recently the library architecture designing has been challenged by the growth of library collections as well as the rapid changes of technology, politics, economics, and society. The purpose of this study is to analyze the users' needs for the space of an academic library building. To achieve the goal, the investigator collected literature on the designing of academic library buildings and surveys of users' needs. Furthermore, I used the library of NCYU as a case study to do empirical investigation of the faculty, students and librarians' needs for library space. The methodology of the study include literature analysis, focus groups interview, and questionnaire survey. Based on the findings of the study, the investigator provides seven conclusions for overall users' needs of an academic library in the following: 1.Collection space is the most important for faculty, students and librarians.2.There are many differences in information and library space user behavior among faculty, graduate and undergraduate students.3.There is significant difference in users of different academic areas on the use of information and library space.4. It is an important requirement that an academic library should provide space and facility to support teaching and learning.5.The influence of e-resources is the main factor to the users needs of a library space.6.Librarian devoted to studying users' needs is valuable for the designing of a library building.The information and space using behavior of the users are subject to change and so should the library space continue to meet the challenge.

Keywords academic libraryLibrary buildingLibrary SpaceUsers NeedsUsers Studies
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序號 9
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2005
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.9 No.2
作者 張淑萍
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系

英美編目規則(AACR)出版迄今已有40年的歷史,因應電子期刊、網站和電子資料庫等新興資料類型蓬勃發展,以及線上編目和編目資源分享之環境,遂而修訂英美編目規則。英美編目規則第二版2002修訂版主要修訂PartⅠ著錄第十二章,並改章名為連續性資源,至於Part Ⅱ檢索款目選擇、標目、參照部分則修訂不多。而此修訂連帶促使機讀編目格式連續性資源相關欄位之增改,主要修訂有定長欄Leader 07 Bibl Level、部分008欄以及變長欄260欄三部分。

關鍵字 機讀編目格式英美編目規則連續性出版品連續性資源
頁碼 168-193
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Title A Study on Continuing Resources Related Cataloging Rulesand MARC Format
Author Shu-Ping Chang
Author's title Department of Library and Information Science, NTU

AACR has been published and implemented in the past 40 years. Due to rapid development of new carriers like electronic journals, websites, databases, and online cataloging and shared cataloging environment, AACR has undergone revisions. This major revision of AACR2(2002) is see in Chapter 12, PartⅠ, with chapter title changed to Continuing Resources. For Part Ⅱ, little change has been made for, choice of entry, heading, and reference. As to the major related changes of MARC21, they are Leader 07 Bibl Level, partial 008 field and 260 field.

Keywords AACR2Continuing resourcesMARC 21Serials
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序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2005
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.9 No.2
作者 周澍來
作者任職單位 國立清華大學圖書館


關鍵字 使用評估圖書安全系統館藏安全
頁碼 117-145
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Title A Study on Collection Security in University Library: the Usage Evaluation for Library Security Systems
Author Shu-Lai Chou
Author's title National Tsing-Hua University Library

The questionnaire and the follow-up interview are used to collect data in this research. After analyzing these data, we discuss the findings in three aspects: (1) the current situation of collections security in university libraries; (2) the usage and evaluation of library security systems in university libraries; and (3) the applicability of RFID technology in collections security.The conclusion proposes suggestions based on the findings of this research: (1) the library should draw up a policy for collection security to build an integrated protection mechanism; (2) the library should establish the criteria to evaluate library security systems by writing a system requirement for proposal; (3) the training programs or courses of schools, organizations, and libraries should cover the issue on ”collection security” to build up a fundamental cognition on it for librarians; and (4) the libraries ought to keep sustained interests in the researches and applications of RFID system and technology.

Keywords Collection securityLibrary security systemUsage evaluation
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序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2005
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.9 No.2
作者 鄭寶梅
作者任職單位 國家圖書館


關鍵字 合作館藏發展德國德國研究協會文獻傳遞館際互借
頁碼 46-71
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Title German Cooperative Collection Development and Document Delivery Services
Author Bau-Mei Cheng
Author's title National Central Library

For many decades academic libraries in Germany have worked closely together with one another in the field of acquisition and interlibrary loan. This paper aims to give an overview of German cooperative collection developments and document delivery services, with the emphasis on the SSGP (Sondersammelgebietsplan) and SSG-S (Sondersammelgebietes-Schnelldienst). First , the new concept of cooperative collection development and document delivery ser-vices is addressed. Next, it highlights the accomplishment of German major co- operative collection development projects、interlibrary loan system and document delivery services、the development of Subito and Vascoda. It is explored how the Special Subject Area Collection Program (SSGP) , a cooperative collection deve- lopment initiative in Germany, is transposed into the digital age in terms of co-operative collection and document delivery successfully, with the continuing financial contribution of the German Research Society. Now many SSGP university libraries offer a Special Subject Area Collection Rapid Delivery Service(SSG-S). In conclusion, the success and future trend of German library cooperation are dis-cussed , with some suggestions given to improve Taiwan cooperative collection development.

Keywords Cooperative collection developmentDocument deliveryGermanySondersammelgebietes-SchnelldienstSubitoVascoda
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序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2005
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.9 No.2
作者 高鵬
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學醫學院圖書分館


關鍵字 危機管理圖書館管理大學圖書館
頁碼 72-91
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Title Responding to the Media in Public University Libraries During a Crisis
Author Peng Kao
Author's title Medical Library, National Taiwan University

An issue that results in negative effects against a certain institute and requires crisis management is considered a crisis. For public university libraries, a possible crisis ranges from policies that may arouse complaints from faculties and students, disagreement between users and librarians, to user behaviors that are against regulations. Those issues may turn out to be critical events that may lower the service quality of the library, threaten the security of librarians or patrons, furthermore damage the library's reputation. Therefore effective crisis management must be implemented in time. In the meantime, the PR (public relation) mechanism must also be turned on to meet the demands of the media. To deal with the media appropriately, the PR mechanism in public university libraries should include an competent spokesman, standard procedures in dealing with the media, and requesting clarification on incorrect reports.

Keywords Crisis managementLibrary managementUniversity library
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序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2005
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.9 No.2
作者 張陳基
作者任職單位 南亞技術學院應用外語系

學術期刊的訂閱費用高漲,圖書館必須減少期刊訂閱數量,造成學術研究上的阻礙。學術界提出開放取用期刊出版模式,倡導自由取閱學術性文章,由作者一次付費出版,讀者永久免費使用,主要挑戰是讓學術期刊能夠永續經營。BioMed Central成功經營的關鍵因素為減少出版成本及控制期刊品質,透過線上出版系統的應用,將出版流程成功整合在網路環境下,保證作品的質量,開放取用期刊的發展將使學術傳播回歸理性交流,讀者享受到更多元化的資訊服務。

關鍵字 學術傳播學術出版經營模式開放取用
頁碼 92-104
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Title Business Models for Open Access Journals Publishing
Author Chen Chi Chang
Author's title Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages, Nanya Institute of Technology

Subscription fees in scholarly publishing are getting more and more expensive, resulting in the so-called Serials Crisis. Rapidly rising journal subscription prices have severely eroded the ability of libraries, universities, and scholars to purchase the publications necessary for research and education. Open access literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. New business models for open access literature publishing, such as BioMed Central, are needed to ensure publishing continuity. A huge change in publishing scientific research is a business model in which contributors are charged for publishing their papers and readers get free access to their papers.

Keywords business modelsOpen AccessScholar Publishing
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序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2005
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.9 No.2
作者 顏嘉惠;李隆地;蔡家正;陳香靜;簡秀惠
作者任職單位 吳鳳技術學院國際企業管理學系講師;吳鳳技術學院國際企業管理學系學生


關鍵字 忠誠度消費者行為滿意度網路書店
頁碼 105-116
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Title The Factors Affecting Customers' Satisfaction with Online Bookstore
Author Chia-Hui Yen; Lung-Te Lee; Chia-Cheng Tsai; Hsiang-Ching Chen; Hsiu-Hui Chien
Author's title Instructor, Department of International Business Management, Wu-Feng Institute of Technology; Student, Department of International Business Management, Wu-Feng Institute of Technology

The purpose of this paper is to explore satisfaction and loyalty of users who have visited online bookstore before in order to discover all the aspects that customers are concerned with and develop an insight into the management of an online bookstore. According to the research, the website design, quality of service, personal service, and the three major factors of research model, are highly relevant to research variables as well as satisfaction and loyalty. The results of this paper aim at improving the service quality of online bookstore for the sake of meeting customers' satisfaction.

Keywords Customer behaviorLoyaltyOnline bookstoreSatisfaction
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序號 1
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2005
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.9 No.2
作者 施毓琦;吳明德
作者任職單位 南台科技大學圖書館採編典藏組;國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系


關鍵字 個人化資訊服務圖書館網站大學圖書館
頁碼 2-25
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Title A Needs Assessment of Personalized Serviceon the University Library Website
Author Yu-Chi Shih; Ming-Der Wu
Author's title Collection & Technical Services Department Southern Taiwan University of Technology Library; Department of Library and Information Science, NTU

Almost all university libraries increase their print and electronic resources in past decades. At the same time, libraries provide more and more services on their websites. Facing the growth of information and services, it seems that library users will need some kinds of filtering mechanism. A few university library websites initiate personalized service. But, do university library users need the service? What kind of services do they need? Questionnaire survey is made in this study. Results indicate that the students appreciate personalized service, but there is a significant difference between undergraduate students and graduate students.

Keywords Library websitesPersonalized information serviceUniversity libraries
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2005
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.9 No.2
作者 陳和琴;余怜縈
作者任職單位 淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系


關鍵字 多語言主題檢索線上目錄
頁碼 26-45
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Title Exploring Multilingual Subject Access to Online Catalogs
Author Ho-chin Chen; Ling-Ying Yu
Author's title Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University

Since the Internet has become a new challenge of multilingualism and for resources sharing, several countries in Europe have created collaborative projects aiming to provide multilingual subject access to library catalogs. The projects will enable users to search simultaneously with a single query in the language of their choice for all relevant documents. This article describes the backgrounds of the projects such as MACS and MSAC, and explores a few suggestions for the future developments in multilingual subject access to our library catalogs.

Keywords MACSMSACMultilingual Access to SubjectsMultilingual Subject Access to Catalogues of National LibrariesOnline catalog
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