

序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2015
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.19 No.2
作者 鄭惟中;邱銘心
作者任職單位 國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所在職專班研究生;國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所副教授

我國自民國70 年代起建構大型行政資訊系統,開始建置各種網站傳遞資訊,提供多元的政府資訊服務;另一方面,屬於民生需求的醫療健康資訊領域開始嶄露頭角,消費者健康資訊相關議題亦開始被廣泛討論。本研究以我國衛生福利機關(構)網站及其提供之相關資源共62 個網站為研究對象,藉內容分析法有系統地分析其所提供之消費者健康資訊現況、內容特性與網站提供之功能與服務。根據分析結果,可知(1) 我國政府衛生福利機關(構)建置的消費者健康資訊網站可分為10 大類,其中以醫護產業資訊類網站數量最多;(2) 與公益團體或民間組織合作提供相關資源,提升政府資訊親近性;(3) 網站提供之資訊類型以新聞訊息為主;(4) 資訊內容以促進大眾健康之訊息比例最高;(5) 網站提供的健康資訊適用對象以一般民眾為主;(6) 網站提供的服務以訊息傳遞服務為主;(7) 網站整體功能以資源查詢與宣導為主。

關鍵字 內容分析政府資訊消費者健康資訊衛生福利機關
頁碼 69-107
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Title A Study on Consumer Health Information of Taiwan Government Agencies of Health and Welfare Websites
Author Wei-Chung Cheng;Ming-Hsin Chiu
Author's title Graduate Student, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University;Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University

Since the 1980s, the Taiwan government started to develop the E-government, with websites constructed to diffuse resources. Meanwhile, the rise of consumer awareness has led to the growth of consumer-oriented websites, providing information of medicine and health and resulting in wide discussions on health-related issues. Therefore, this research adopted the content analysis method to analyze the consumer health information from 62 websites of government agencies of health and welfare. The study employed a systematic approach to exploring the status of consumer health information, characteristics, website contents and provided services. In summary, this study proposed the following findings. First, the developers of the websites include government agencies, non-profit organizations, and non-government organizations. Second, most of the websites fall into the “healthcare industry” category. Third, the major type of information provided is “news”. Fourth, the main contents are about health promotion. Fifth, most of the websites are for everyday users. Sixth, the websites mainly provide “information delivery” services. Seventh, most of the websites are information- and-resource-based for policy promotions.

Keywords consumer health informationContent analysisGovernment informationhealth and welfare agencies
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序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 10月
卷期 Vol.3 No.4
作者 邱炯友
作者任職單位 副教授兼系所主任

政府對扮演出版者角色的主客觀感受與對整體人文科技環境之體認,不僅影響政府出版品的外在表現形式;更影響政府資訊的實質內容。知識與資訊可否為商品,在於人為之設計與加值,而非本質之屬性使然,政府資訊公開原則亦將是建立公共資訊系統的必要過程。本文主要探討單一政府資訊傳遞與政府資訊服務合理化之設計與應用,借英國實例印證電子化政府出版品/資訊之開發原則,除包括政府出版品和資訊應該開放給民眾查檢使用之政策思考外,並就電子化政府出版品的資訊加值要求、資訊資產登錄(Information Asset Registers; IARs)系統、及政府電子出版品等相關著作權問題略作分析與建議。

關鍵字 政府出版品政府資訊著作權資訊資產登錄電子出版
頁碼 107-119
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Title The Development of Electronic Official Publication and Information:A Reflection of the UK Copyright Regulations
Author Jeong-yeou Chiu
Author's title Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Educational Media and Library Sciences, Tamkang University

The role of the government as a publisher significantly affects the form and content of its publications. Whether knowledge and information are commodities or not, depending on value-added mechanism for reproduction. The government’s open up policy is essential in establishing public information system. This paper tries to analyze publication/information policy in the UK, its value-added principle of official publication, the Information Asset Registers (IARs), and copyright related regulations.

Keywords CopyrightElectronic publishingGovernment informationGovernment PublicationsInformation asset registers
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