
序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.4 No.1
作者 蔡淑玲
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館閱覽組

指定參考書是大學圖書館為支援教學提供的一項服務,在國外的利用率極高,卻常招來讀者的抱怨。本文由指定參考書服務在國外紙本作業環境下常見的問題及其電子化的動機為開端,接著敘述電子化指定參考書發展的歷史,並以ACORN,ERes,INNOPAC electronic reserve三個系統為例,說明在發展過程中,各單位在文件數位化、檔案傳輸列印、安全管理、版權管理等等方面得到的經驗。最後,本文嘗試將國外的經驗與國內的環境做一比較,以探討國內圖書館尚未出現類似計劃的原因。

關鍵字 指定參考書網路非同步教學電子化指定參考書
頁碼 81-99
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Title Electronic Reserve: An Introduction
Author Shu-Ling Tsai
Author's title Readers Service Department, National Taiwan University Library

This article begins with a description of a typical reserve collection in a foreign university library and the problems reserve librarians face in a print-based environment. It goes on to discuss how electronic reserve systems have emerged since 1991. Three electronic reserve systems: ACORN, ERes and INNOPAC electronic reserve module are described in detail to illustrate the research findings of some experimental projects. The experiences of a foreign reserve book room are quite different from those of our local libraries. The heavy usage rate and the inclusion of a high number of periodical articles are not seen in local reserve collections. That explains why electronic reserve projects have not yet emerged in Taiwan libraries.

Keywords ACORNCeiba2Electronic reserveEResINNOPAC electronic reserveReserve collection
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