Vol.4 No.1

Vol.4 No.1


Vol.4 No.1


序號 10
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.4 No.1
作者 宋瓊玲
作者任職單位 國立臺灣師範大學圖書館典藏組


關鍵字 使用者為中心使用者需求大學圖書館組織與服務臺大農學院
頁碼 147-164
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Title A Study on Issues in the Development of Academic Libraries from the Standpoint of User Demand: A Case Study from the Agricultural College of National Taiwan University
Author Chiung-ling Sung
Author's title Circulation Department, National Taiwan Normal University Library

This study aims primarily at research into certain service issues in academic libraries. Questionnaires were sent to professors and graduate students of the College of Agriculture, National Taiwan University, as samples for surveying users' behavior and service expectations. The library will use the results of this investigation for all aspects of library planning, especially in terms of service patterns. It is hoped that the academic library can provide satisfactory, professional and personalized services to the users. This paper proposes several suggestions for supporting teaching and research in the community.

Keywords academic libraryAgricultural College of National Taiwan UniversityInformation seeking behaviorOrganization and serviceUser centeredUser demand
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序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.4 No.1
作者 魏令芳
作者任職單位 東吳大學圖書館編目組


關鍵字 核心書目簡略級編目簡略編目
頁碼 113-118
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Title Trends in the Development of Simplified Cataloguing
Author Ling-fang Wei
Author's title Cataloguing Dirvision, Soochow University Library

This paper aims to explain the issue of simplified cataloguing, focusing on its history, function, methods, and prospects. It discusses quality arguments against simplification and presents the current status of cataloguing in Taiwan.

Keywords Limited cataloguingMinimal-level cataloguingSimplified cataloguing
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序號 9
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.4 No.1
作者 黃怡如
作者任職單位 臺北縣政府教育局


關鍵字 互動回饋使用者研究檢索詞彙資訊尋求行為資訊檢索
頁碼 119-146
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Title An Analysis of Changes in Search Terms During Information Retrieval Interactions
Author Yi-ju Huang
Author's title Taipei County Education Bureau

This article explores types of changes in search terms and identifies factors influencing them during information retrieval interactions. Three types of changes are identified and seven main types of interactive feedback are developed as a framework to examine the factors influencing these changes. Implications for interface design of information retrieval systems and for further research are discussed.

Keywords Information retrievalInformation seeking behaviorInteractive feedbacksearch termUser studies
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序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.4 No.1
作者 陳慧華
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館編目組


關鍵字 影像處理數位視訊伺服器數位視訊系統隨選視訊電子圖書館
頁碼 44-59
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Title Construct and Survey of a Digital Video System in the Electronic Library
Author Hui-hua Chen
Author's title Cataloging Department, NTU Library

Today, a vast amount of text, images, graphics, and animation are being hosted and delivered by the WWW. With rapid advances in audio and video technologies, more and more content will be encoded and delivered by means of audio/video in addition to texts and images. However, conventional Web servers are designed for data services and have no provisions for delivering continuous media such as audio and Vid-e-o. This paper presents the design and implementation of a stable digital video server which could display continuous-media along with traditional Web services. Finally, the paper gives some cases studies of an integrated electronic library, in order to propose an outline for the initiation of an electronic library.

Keywords Digital video serversDigital video systemElectronic libraryImage processingVideo on demandVOD
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序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.4 No.1
作者 阮紹薇
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館採訪組

因學術研究或興趣嗜好等不同動機而聚集的人們,透過電腦中介傳播(Computer Mediated Communication)媒體進行互動與聯繫、跨越時間及地理位置的阻隔,建立了與現實社群有別的「虛擬社群」(Virtual Community)。由於網際網路中成功的社群經營模式可以吸納臨界數量的成員並從中獲利,引起各類營利及非營利事業的對社群經營的重視。如為增加獲利能力而經營虛擬社群的網路服務提供者及電子商務企業,以及將現實與虛擬交融的公眾或營利的「社群網路」,發展獨特的社群經營策略。在圖書館界,「U S WEST」專門圖書館網站提出「知識分享」主張、維吉尼亞大學圖書館的「Electronic Text Center」將內容建置主權轉移給使用者等,為數位圖書館經營虛擬社群的創舉。本文探討網路文化中「虛擬社群」的特殊現象,並實例介紹經營虛擬社群的策略,盼圖書館界未來能將相關議題納入使用者研究及數位圖書館的建構藍圖中。

關鍵字 社區網路虛擬社群電子商務電腦中介傳播
頁碼 60-80
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Title The Study of Phenomena and Operating Strategies of Virtual Communities
Author Shao-wei Juan
Author's title Acquisitions Department, National Taiwan University Library

People with common interest or purpose, independent of geography and time, participate in computer-mediated social groups and create many kinds of virtual communities. Members can conduct commerce, exchange knowledge, share emotional support, or find friends in the virtual space. Since the population of virtual communities is growing fast, it provides good opportunities for e-commerce, real community development, and electronic libraries. This paper clarifies the concept and phenomena of virtual communities, and introduces operating strategies learned from some specific examples.

Keywords Community NetworkComputer Mediated CommunicationElectronic commerceVirtual Community
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序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.4 No.1
作者 蔡淑玲
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館閱覽組

指定參考書是大學圖書館為支援教學提供的一項服務,在國外的利用率極高,卻常招來讀者的抱怨。本文由指定參考書服務在國外紙本作業環境下常見的問題及其電子化的動機為開端,接著敘述電子化指定參考書發展的歷史,並以ACORN,ERes,INNOPAC electronic reserve三個系統為例,說明在發展過程中,各單位在文件數位化、檔案傳輸列印、安全管理、版權管理等等方面得到的經驗。最後,本文嘗試將國外的經驗與國內的環境做一比較,以探討國內圖書館尚未出現類似計劃的原因。

關鍵字 指定參考書網路非同步教學電子化指定參考書
頁碼 81-99
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Title Electronic Reserve: An Introduction
Author Shu-Ling Tsai
Author's title Readers Service Department, National Taiwan University Library

This article begins with a description of a typical reserve collection in a foreign university library and the problems reserve librarians face in a print-based environment. It goes on to discuss how electronic reserve systems have emerged since 1991. Three electronic reserve systems: ACORN, ERes and INNOPAC electronic reserve module are described in detail to illustrate the research findings of some experimental projects. The experiences of a foreign reserve book room are quite different from those of our local libraries. The heavy usage rate and the inclusion of a high number of periodical articles are not seen in local reserve collections. That explains why electronic reserve projects have not yet emerged in Taiwan libraries.

Keywords ACORNCeiba2Electronic reserveEResINNOPAC electronic reserveReserve collection
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序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.4 No.1
作者 張蕙美
作者任職單位 國立交通大學圖書館


關鍵字 參考服務參考諮詢台工讀生
頁碼 100-112
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Title Student Assistant Staffed Reference Desks in U.S. Academic Libraries: Experience & Comments
Author Huey-meei Chang
Author's title National Chiao-Tung University Library

Staffing shortages are a common problem in many libraries. Some university reference desks use student assistants to deal with this difficulty. This article describes the status of this practice in U.S. academic libraries and general approaches to problems encountered. First, we review the literature and then summarize U.S. academic libraries’ experiences in student assistants’ hiring, training, job defining, and performance evaluation. At the end of the paper, we highlight problems that should be noticed and suggest some ways to improve the quality of service.

Keywords Reference deskReference serviceStudent assistants
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.4 No.1
作者 莊道明
作者任職單位 世新大學圖書資訊學系


關鍵字 兩性網路倫理網際網路資訊倫理資訊民主
頁碼 17-28
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Title Attitude Differences in Terms of Gender on Internet Norms
Author Tao-ming Chuang
Author's title Department of Library and Information Studies, Shih Hsin University

Since the Taiwan Network was initiated in 1995, the number of net users is growing very fast. There were two million net users in 1998 and there will be approximately three million in 1999. However, according to several Internet investigations, the number of male users and female users is dramatically unequal. Although the number of female users is increasing constantly, the rate of increase of female users is still much lower than males' Democracy in computer-mediated communications, such as Internet or cyberspace, must offer access and communication equally and without status constraints. This study, which is based on an online network investigation done in 1986, compares differences between male and female users in terms of status, motivation, information needs, and network ethics.

Keywords Genderinformation democracyInformation ethicsNetwork ethics
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序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.4 No.1
作者 葉乃靜
作者任職單位 世新大學圖書資訊學系


關鍵字 圖書流通書院藏書家開架式
頁碼 29-43
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Title A Study on the Thought of Book Circulation in China
Author Nei-ching Yeh
Author's title Department of Library and Information Studies, Shih Hsin University

In China, books have been difficult to collect since ancient times. Moreover, collections were often destroyed by war of fire, and this is why most collectors were very conservative in circulating their books. This article investigates the development of the concept of circulation in early Chinese Society, the results showing that different circulation philosophies in different periods are dominated mainly by the value of books.

Keywords Book circulationCollectorOpen stack
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