
序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 陳光華;陳雅琦
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系;國科會人文學研究中心


關鍵字 引用文獻引用文獻分析
頁碼 33-48
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Title The Current Status and Its Construction of Citation Index for Academic Journals
Author Kuang-hua Chen; Ya-chi Chen
Author's title Department of Library and Information Science, NTU; Humanities Research Center, National Science Council

The high utility rate of citation index databases provided by ISI vindicates the fact that academic journals have long been highly valued by researchers. However, Chinese journals contained in ISI are few, and cannot reflect how Chinese academic journals are being used. Mainland China initiated projects to construct databases and published CD-ROMs on Chinese Science Citation Index (CSCI) in 1996 and Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI) in 1999. In Taiwan, the National Science Council also initiated a pilot project to construct Taiwan Science Citation Index (TSCI) in 1996, and set up in 1999 two research centers-Science Research Center, and Humanities Research Center-jointly with Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University, whose task is to construct Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI) and Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI). This article describes the development and construction of various citation index databases in ISI, Mainland China, and Taiwan.

Keywords A & HCICitationcitation analysisCSCICSSCISCISSCITHCITSCITSSCI
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