Vol.5 No.1

Vol.5 No.1


Vol.5 No.1


序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 邱雅暖
作者任職單位 國立中正文化中心表演藝術圖書室


關鍵字 服務品質服務品質改善行動研究表演藝術圖書館
頁碼 116-143
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Title The Action Research of Library's Service Quality Improvement: The Case of the Performing Arts Library of Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Center
Author Ya-Nuan Chiou
Author's title Performing Arts Library of National Chiang-Kai Shek Cultural Center

To bridge the gap between theory and practice in many cases of library studies that merely end up with offering theoretical advice unfeasible to the improvement of practical situational problems, this study adopts the method of Action Research to combine theory with practice by studying the possibility of a cooperation between researchers and librarians. The case study is conducted with the Performing Arts Library of National Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Center, where the author is currently working. The author conducts the practical study from the users’ perspective to improve on the Library’s service quality. The entire study follows the right procedures of Action Research: situation analysis, formal planning, information collecting, plan proposing, plan executing, effect assessing and learning. It also conducts a questionnaire based on SERVQUAL to determine what are important to the users; afterwards it proposes an improvement plan, puts the plan into practice and assesses the results, so as to solve situational problems and to promote the Library’s service quality.

Keywords Action researchPerforming arts libraryService qualityService quality improvementSERVQUAL
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序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 王秀卿
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館閱覽組

本文主要分析網路使用及資訊尋求行為之文獻。首先先探討資訊尋求行為之理論,將資訊尋求行為之理論應用於網路資訊尋求行為。本文將介紹之理論,包括Wilson、David Ellis、C. C. Kuhlthau等學者所發展的資訊尋求行為之模式。進而分析在過去研究中所得知之影響資訊尋求行為因素;最後則分析與網路資訊使用相關研究之研究項目。本文分為三部份:一、分析資訊尋求行為的理論;二、探討影響資訊尋求行為之因素;三、闡述網路使用的相關研究。

關鍵字 網路使用資訊尋求行為
頁碼 144-162
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Title Literature Review on Network Use and Information Seeking Behavior
Author Shiu-ching Wang
Author's title Circulation Department, National Taiwan University Library

This paper analyzes the documents of network use and information seeking behavior. First, it discusses the theories of information seeking behavior, models developed by Wilson David Ellis, and C. C. Kuhlthau. Then, it analyzes the factors known by past researches that influence information seeking behavior, with the intention to research whether such factors influence the information use and searching behavior. Last, it discusses research terms about network information use research. This paper is divided into three parts: 1.analyzing the theories of information seeking behavior; 2. discussing the factors that influence the information seeking behavior; 3. delineates researches about network use.

Keywords Information seeking behaviorNetwork use
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序號 9
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 何慧玲
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館特藏組


關鍵字 圖書館付費服務學術圖書館文獻傳遞服務著作權資訊仲介商
頁碼 163-189
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Title A Study of Document Delivery Service in Academic Libraries
Author Huey-ling Ho
Author's title Special Collection Department, National Taiwan University Library

Document delivery service has become extremely popular and important, especially for academic libraries. The rapid development of modern technology has made document delivery much more convenient than ever, with various service types, but problems of copyright also arise.

Keywords academic libraryCopyrightDocument delivery serviceFee-based information serviceInformation broker
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序號 10
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 張素禎
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館閱覽組


關鍵字 國家圖書館圖書館史德國柏林國家圖書館
頁碼 190-205
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Title The Development of the German Berlin State Library from 1661 to 1992
Author Su-chen Chang
Author's title Circulation Department, National Taiwan University Library

This article scrutinizes the development of the German Berlin State Library. The institution was originally founded in the 17th century as Electoral Library of C?lln on the Spree, and has been renamed as Royal Library and as Prussian State Library. After World War Ⅱ, it was divided into two separate libraries: German State Library in East Berlin, and State Library of the Prussian Cultural Foundation in West Berlin. The unification of Germany helped to integrate the former German State Library and the State Library of the Prussian Cultural Foundation into the Berlin State Library in 1992. The development of the Berlin State Library is closely related to the evolution of German political history. Except acting as an heir of Prussian culture, it is now a cross-regional comprehensive academic library. Coupled with German reunification, the Berlin State Library will assume a cultural role greater than ever.

Keywords Berlin State LibraryGermanyLibrary historyNational Library
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序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 葉乃靜
作者任職單位 世新大學圖書資訊學系


關鍵字 使用研究線上公用目錄
頁碼 93-115
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Title The Use Studies of Online Public Access Catalog: A Literature Review
Author Nei-ching Yeh
Author's title Department of Library and Information Studies, Shih Hsin University

The Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) is the best gateway for users to get access to library collections and to locate library materials. Through the use studies of OPAC, libraries can understand the information seeking behavior of its users, and can improve on their own design of OPAC system. This paper reviews the related OPAC research literatures in English in the past 15 years (1985-1999), analyzed the users’ problems of access points, search terms, search strategies, and other related issues on training users.

Keywords Online public access catalogUse studies
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 林珊如
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系


關鍵字 亞馬遜分類搜尋數位圖書館瀏覽網路書店
頁碼 16-32
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Title User Friendly Websites: Information Organization and Browsing Interface Design Issues: A Case Study of the Amazon.com
Author Shan-ju L. Chang
Author's title Department of Library and Information Science, NTU

The information organization and representation on browsing interface is closely related to the users’ information seeking and use behavior. From the perspective of library information science, this article analyzes the webpage designing of an Internet Bookstore, the Amazon.com, its organizational principle and browsing interface. Its characteristics can be classified into 5 principles and 5 features. This analysis expects to offer referential value to the construction of similar websites or digital libraries.

Keywords Amazon.comBrowsingClassificationInformation seekingInternet bookstoreSearching
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序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 陳光華;陳雅琦
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系;國科會人文學研究中心


關鍵字 引用文獻引用文獻分析
頁碼 33-48
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Title The Current Status and Its Construction of Citation Index for Academic Journals
Author Kuang-hua Chen; Ya-chi Chen
Author's title Department of Library and Information Science, NTU; Humanities Research Center, National Science Council

The high utility rate of citation index databases provided by ISI vindicates the fact that academic journals have long been highly valued by researchers. However, Chinese journals contained in ISI are few, and cannot reflect how Chinese academic journals are being used. Mainland China initiated projects to construct databases and published CD-ROMs on Chinese Science Citation Index (CSCI) in 1996 and Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI) in 1999. In Taiwan, the National Science Council also initiated a pilot project to construct Taiwan Science Citation Index (TSCI) in 1996, and set up in 1999 two research centers-Science Research Center, and Humanities Research Center-jointly with Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University, whose task is to construct Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI) and Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI). This article describes the development and construction of various citation index databases in ISI, Mainland China, and Taiwan.

Keywords A & HCICitationcitation analysisCSCICSSCISCISSCITHCITSCITSSCI
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序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 柯皓仁;黃夙賢;楊維邦
作者任職單位 交通大學圖書館;國立交通大學資訊科學研究所;交通大學圖書館

詮釋資料通常用來描述數位圖書館藏品資源的特性,本文則是取詮釋資料最廣義的解釋─Data About Data,並將詮釋資料應用在數位圖書館系統間的互通。本文首先針對數位圖書館互通性下一定義,並介紹數位圖書館互通性的相關議題和方案。其次則是以Stanford數位圖書館計畫為例,說明詮釋資料在數位圖書館系統互通性上能夠扮演的角色。文中並闡述交通大學圖書館為解決數位圖書館互通性問題所提出的詮釋資料建構語言,並以交通大學圖書館虛擬聯合目錄系統來驗證詮釋資料建構語言的可行性。

關鍵字 數位圖書館數位圖書館互通性詮釋資料詮釋資料建構語言
頁碼 49-78
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Title The Study of Interoperability of Digital Libraries with Metadata
Author Hao-ren Ke; Su-shang Huang; Wei-pang Yang
Author's title National Chiao Tung University Library; Institute of Computer and Information Science, National Chiao Tung University; National Chiao Tung University Library

The term “Metadata” is often used by information professions to refer to character the resources contained in a digital library. This paper adopts the broadest meaning of “Metadata”--Data about Data, and applies metadata to facilitate the inter-operation among digital library systems. It first defines digital library interoperability, its related issues and approaches. Then, citing as an instance the Stanford Digital Library Project to describe the roles that metadata can play in handling digital library interoperability. This paper also describes how National Chiao Tung University has tried to solve the problem of handling digital library interoperability by proposing the Metadata Modeling Language (MML), which is a language to define the metadata of digital-library contents and services, and define the translation of two kinds of metadata. Finally, a virtual union catalog system based on MML, called VUCS@NCTU, is implemented to vindicate the feasibility of MML.

Keywords Digital libraryDigital library interoperabilityMetadataMetadata modeling language
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序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 林愉珊;張慧銖
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學醫學院圖書室


關鍵字 期刊使用率電子期刊館藏發展館藏評鑑
頁碼 79-92
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Title Journal Usage Investigation and Collection Development of Electronic Journal: A Case Study of National Taiwan Univ. Medical Library
Author Yu-shan Lin; Huei-chu Chang
Author's title National Taiwan University Hospital Library

This paper describes a librarian’s experience of assessing the journal usage and collection development within the past 5 years in the National Taiwan University Medical Library. All librarians nowadays should adjust themselves to the prosperity of full-text electronic journals and the efficient software and system that facilitates interlibrary cooperation. They may need to deal directly with the journal publishers and bargain for subscription of electronic versions, to follow new procedures to activate the right for online registration and set up the valid IP range, and to update constantly their webpages to make future policies for subscription in reference of statistic results. By examining this development, the author hopes to share experiences with other librarians in Taiwan area.

Keywords Collection developmentCollection evaluationElectronic journalJournal usage
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