
序號 9
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.5 No.2
作者 鄭惠珍
作者任職單位 新埔技術學院圖書館館長

ISO 9000系列之品質管理自1987年推動以來,受到企業界廣泛的重視,近年來,連大專院校也都紛紛申請ISO 9000系列的認證。各大專院校推動ISO 9000系列的範疇中,通常圖書館亦被列入實施之對象。本文旨在探討圖書館是否有申請ISO 9000認證之必要及申請認證一些相關議題做初步探討。首先,說明ISO名稱的由來、目的及與TQM之區別,其次探討以服務為主之圖書館是否有推動ISO之必要,復次,討論在94年版本中圖書館應選擇申請何種認證模式,同時簡介2000年新版、ISO 9000推動流程、PDCA管理循環概念,並舉「圖書館期刊驗收作業」為例說明品質程序書之製作,最後提出作者之建議,俾供尚未申請認證之圖書館參考。

關鍵字 全面品管品質管理國際標準組織圖書館
頁碼 129-152
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Title The Implementation of ISO in Academic Libraries
Author Hui-chen Cheng
Author's title Chief Librarian, St. John's & St. Mary's Institute of Technology Library

The quality control management of ISO 9000 series has drawn wide attention from the business sector since its promotion in 1987. Recently, universities as well as libraries have also applied fro certification of ISO 9000 series. This article investigates the necessity for his application, surveys the history and goal of ISO, and compares the difference between ISO and TOM. The author would like to offer a brief explanation of the new release of 2000 revision, ISO 9000 procedure for campaigning, and PDCA management cycling, so that libraries can use this information as a reference for their application.

Keywords ISOISO 9000ISO 9001ISO 9002Total quality managementTQM
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