Kuan-chih Yeh


序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2004
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.8 No.1
作者 葉冠志;陳光華
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系碩士;國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系

數位物件辨識系統(Digital Object Identidfier System, DOI System)為一可在數位環境下獨特辨識、描述與連結智慧產物的系統。本研究參考DOI系統架構,依據國內之環境實際建置一套〈LIPS-DOI〉系統,包含列舉、描述與解析模組。以延伸標記語言(Extensible Markup Language, XML)為基礎發展詮釋資料架構,以簡單都柏林核心集(Simple Dublin Core)作為核心應用描述檔案格式,並提供代理解析服務。

關鍵字 可延伸標記語言數位物件辨識碼智慧產權詮釋資料
頁碼 107-129
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Title An Implementation of Digital Object Identifier Systems
Author Kuan-chih Yeh; Kuang-hua Chen
Author's title Madter, Department of Library and Information Science, NTU; Department of Library and Information Science, NTU

The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system is a system for identifying and ex-changing intellectual property in the digital environment. With reference to the DOI's framework, an experimental system named based on Taiwan's environment is reported in this article. This system mostly resembles the DOI system in its three modules: numbering, metadata and resolution. The system framework is based on XML technology, the Dublin Core is used as the Application Profile, and a resolution proxy service is provided as well.

Keywords Digital Object IdentifierIntellectual propertyMetadataXML
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