

序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2013
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.17 No.2
作者 陳書梅
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系教授

相關文獻指出,閱讀具有情緒療癒效用之圖書資訊資源,可舒緩當事者的負面情緒,而繪本則是大學生較常選用之非小說類閱讀素材。基此,本研究透過網路內容分析法,於網路書評中尋找合適之繪本素材,分析其對大學生之情緒療癒效用,並於文中列舉13 本繪本示例,藉供同道參考。期冀藉由本研究結果,使大學生了解繪本書目療法的意涵,並培養閱讀情緒療癒繪本的習慣;另一方面,亦希冀透過本研究結果,能引起大學圖書館關注大學生潛在的療癒閱讀需求。如此,大學圖書館可更進一步地充分善用館藏資源的療癒性功能,協助大學生維持與促進個人之心理健康,從而得以善盡圖書館的社會責任。

關鍵字 大學生情緒療癒療癒閱讀發展性繪本書目療法
頁碼 22-43
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DOI 10.6146/univj.17-2.02
Title Developmental Bibliotherapy with Picture Books for Undergraduates’ Emotional Healing
Author 陳書梅
Author's title Chen Su-may Sheih

Literatures have shown that reading can serve as a therapeutic intervention to help people recover from uneasiness. Among various non-fiction reading materials, picture books are popular with undergraduates. Therefore, this study employs internet content analysis to search adequate picture books for emotionally disturbed undergraduates. 13 picture books are listed as examples of proper emotional healing reading materials. The findings can better undergraduates’ understanding of bibliotherapy and help them handle emotional disturbance problems by means of reading emotional healing picture books. Besides, this study may also promote the engagement of university libraries to bibliotherapy. Thus university libraries could help undergraduates maintain and improve their mental health, so as to accomplish university libraries’ social responsibility to the utmost.

Keywords developmental bibliotherapy with picture booksemotional healinghealing readingundergraduate
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DOI 10.6146/univj.17-2.02