

序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2014
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.18 No.2
作者 吳可久
作者任職單位 國立臺北科技大學互動媒體設計研究所副教授

百年來臺灣公共圖書館之規劃與設計方式甚具特色。從清治、日據到民國70年代、90 年代分別有工匠、官派建築技師、建築師、規劃委員、專業營建管理等規劃設計專業人員投入相關工作;同時亦發展出使用者參與、建築計畫書、使用後評估等不同作業方式,以將設計圖書館建築相關之使用機能知識提供給設計專業參考。而圖書館員與建築師之間相互溝通,以共創發展好的圖書館建築,將激發未來規劃設計方式之新方向。

關鍵字 使用後評估使用者參與規劃公共圖書館圖書館建築史建築計畫書
頁碼 50-68
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DOI doi.org/10.6146/univj.18-2.03
Title 臺灣百年公共圖書館建築之規畫設計方式演進
Author Ko-Chiu Wu
Author's title Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Interactive Media Design, National Taipei University of Technology
The development of planning and design of Taiwan public libraries evolved into unique features in the past 100 years. Different professionals, such as local masters, architectural engineers, architects, planning committee members, and professional construction management (PCM) have devoted to the planning and design work operations. Different operational methods, such as Use Occupancy Evaluation, Planning Documentation, and Participatory Planning were also developed for librarians to submit library functional knowledge to design professionals. In order to co-create a good library building, librarians and architects have communicated with each other to find a new direction to develop planning and design operations in the future.
Keywords library architectural historyparticipatory planningplanning documentationpost occupancy evaluationPublic library
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DOI doi.org/10.6146/univj.18-2.03