

序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2012
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.16 No.1
作者 黃明居 ; 黃瑞娟 ; 賴姿伶
作者任職單位 國立交通大學副教授兼圖書館副館長;國立清華大學圖書館典藏組組長 ; 國立交通大學資訊學院數位圖書資訊學程碩士

電子期刊與電子資源價格高漲,圖書館在經費短缺之下,如何深入瞭解Open Access 並重新規劃圖書館電子期刊之結構與因應對策,為一重要課題。本研究提 出一分析模式,由館藏各學域期刊分布抽樣,分析各領域所得樣本期刊文章,隸 屬於Open Access 之分布情形,並探討其引用之優勢。文中以國內某大學圖書館 為個案,研究結果發現,600 篇樣本中,於2009 年,平均37%可在網路上免費取 得全文,其中電腦科學領域平均比例為58%,物理領域平均比例更高達60%;且 經過四年的發展,各領域Open Access 的數量與比例均呈現明顯成長,平均增加 15%。整體而言,Open Access 平均被引用次數為17,平均引用優勢約為55%,其表現均比Toll Access 更為突出。本研究成果驗證了近年來Open Access 的發展 績效與其具有提升文章能見度、增加文章引用率之引用優勢,提供圖書館界於規 劃與建立電子期刊或電子資源館藏之參考。

關鍵字 引用優勢開放式資訊取用館藏發展
頁碼 36-52
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2012.16-1.03
Title A Study on Open Resources Proportion and Citation Advantage of University Library Journal Collections
Author Ming-Jiu Hwang; Jui-Chuan Huang; Tzu-Ling Lai
Author's title Associate Professor & Associate Director, National Chiao Tung University Library; Head, Division of Collection, National Tsing Hua University Library; Master, Master Program of Digital Library, College of Computer Science, National chiao Tung University

It is an important subject to understand Open Access and re-plan electronic serial framework and solutions due to the rising cost of electronic serials and insufficient fund. This study presents an analysis model. We use the samples of each scientific field in library collections and analyse the distribution of journal articles in various fields which belong to Open Access, and to explore the citation advantage. A case study of national university library in Taiwan, according to this research in 2009 that in 600 samples, the average 37% of full text information can be obtained free on the Internet, 58% for computer science and 61% for physics. Through development of four years, there is a significant growth in quantity and proportion in these fields, with an average increase by 15%. As a whole, Open Access performs better than Toll Access. The average citation of Open Access is 17, and citation advantage is 55%. This study could provide data to prove the effects of Open Access development in recent years and the citation advantage of Open Access, such as improving visibility and higher citation rate. Moreover, it could be another solution for librarians when planning and establishing electronic serial or electronic resources.

Keywords Citation advantageCollection developmentOpen Access
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2012.16-1.03