

序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2009
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.13 No.2
作者 林意晴;郭建明
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館推廣服務組組員;南臺科技大學助理教授

在知識經濟的時代裡,世界各國不斷地持續推動圖書館資源共享,而且績效卓越,文獻傳遞服務已成為圖書館服務項目裡的重要一環,而臺灣大學圖書館乃依據其近年來使用國內館際合作NDDS服務系統及國際文獻傳遞服務RapidILL系統的實務經驗與數據進行整體分析,而研究方法主要是採用著名的科技接受模式(TAM Model)來進行調查使用者對NDDS及JADE的使用情形(JADE為RapidILL的申請介面系統),其結果發現JADE在系統有用性、容易使用度及系統效益三個構面的表現均比NDDS來得佳;最後,希望藉由本研究報告的各種分析調查結果,能更進一步了解讀者的內隱與外顯之資訊需求,以提昇文獻傳遞服務的效率及效能,並期望能藉由臺灣大學圖書館案例的分享,來提供國內其它圖書館進行文獻傳遞服務時的參考資訊。

關鍵字 全國文獻傳遞服務系統文獻傳遞服務資源分享
頁碼 100-135
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009-13-2.05
Title Document Delivery Service Systems of NDDS and RapidILL: The Experience of National Taiwan University Library
Author Yi-Ching Lin; Gen-Ming Guo
Author's title Librarian, Reference & Extension Services Department, National Taiwan University Library; Assistant Professor, Department of Information Management, Southern Taiwan University

Purpose - This paper aims to identify the information needs of users of the National Taiwan University Library and to formulate improvements to the interlibrary loan service by examining the usage statistics of the document delivery systems NDDS and RapidILL. These results may serve as future reference materials for other libraries operating document delivery services.
Design/methodology/approach - The study used the technology acceptance model (TAM) to analyze user behaviors and system acceptance levels in the NDDS and JADE document delivery service systems (JADE is the application interface of the RapidILL in National Taiwan University library).
Findings – 1.RapidILL performs better than NDDS in the following areas: usefulness, ease of use and system satisfaction. 2.Yields a clearer understanding of users’ needs from statistical analysis

Keywords Document delivery serviceInformation sharingNDDSRapidILL
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009-13-2.05