

序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.4 No.2
作者 卜小蝶
作者任職單位 國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所

隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,使用者利用搜尋引擎查詢網路資源已相當普遍,因此藉由分析Web搜尋引擎的各種電腦交易記錄(Transaction Logs),對瞭解網路使用者的資訊行為應有莫大助益。本文即是以搜尋引擎的檢索詞彙記錄分析(Search Term Logs Analysis)為基礎,嘗試觀察台灣地區網路使用者的一些檢索行為特性,包括如檢索詞彙的特性與使用者的檢索需求等,同時探討檢索詞彙分類時的一些問題並提出心得。

關鍵字 檢索詞彙記錄分析網路資源檢索資訊行為
頁碼 23-37
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Title Exploring Searching Behavior of Network Users in Taiwan
Author Hsiao-Tieh Pu
Author's title Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University

With search services over the Web as major sources of information, there is an increasing demand to learn more about what people need and how they search on the net. Through analysis of transaction logs, certain users’ search behaviors could be observed. This paper presents the analysis of search term logs from two real-world search engines in Taiwan. Some preliminary results have been obtained, including characteristics of users and their searching needs. Several problems with building taxonomic schemes and classifying search terms are also discussed. The findings are valuable for understanding network information retrieval research, and library & information service applications.

Keywords Information behaviorNetwork information retrievalSearch term logs analysis
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