Nagasawa Bunko

臺灣大學典藏長澤文庫《令巻八 醫疾令比校 長澤伴雄自筆》版本探究

序號 1
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2014
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.18 No.1
作者 楊永良
作者任職單位 國立交通大學通識教育中心教授

國立臺灣大學於臺北帝國大學時期典藏的日本善本書當中,與律令有關的書籍都集中在《桃木文庫》與《長澤文庫》。筆者曾將這些律令相關善本書的考察以〈台湾大学所蔵『桃木文庫』『長沢文庫』における律令関係史料について─ 『律』と『令義解』を中心に─〉一文發表在日本的期刊《法史学研究会会報第15 号》上。在該文中,筆者將該批善本書分為「六國史類」與「律令類」二類,並將重點置於《桃木文庫》中律令類的探討。本文擬將《長澤文庫》中的《令巻八 醫疾令比校 長澤伴雄自筆》一書之版本加以深入探討。

關鍵字 IshitsuryouNagasawa BunkoNational Taiwan UniversityRitsuryou
頁碼 1-13
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Title Discovery of the Book “Ishitsuryou Hikou” in Nagasawa Bunko and Its Edition in the National Taiwan University Collection
Author Yung-Liang Yang
Author's title Professor, Center of General Education, National Chiao Tung University

"The rare books at the National Taiwan University had been collected during the Taihoku Imperial University Period (1928-1945). Among these books, the one related to Ritsuryou are put together in Momoki Bunko and Nagasawa Bunko. The author has published an article in the Japanese Journal “Bulletin of the Society for Legal History No.15” to discuss Momoki Bunko and Nagasawa Bunko, in which the author divides the rare books into two categories—Rikkokushi and Ritsuryou—and focused on the Ritsuryou in Momoki Bunko. Based on the preliminary study on the historical records on the Rituryou in the Nagasawa Bunko series, this article discusses the book “Ishitsuryou
Hikou” in Nagasawa Bunko as well as the edition issues."

Keywords 律令臺灣大學醫疾令長澤文庫
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