card sorting


序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2016
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.20 No.1
作者 呂智惠,謝建成,黃琬姿,黃毓絜
作者任職單位 國立臺灣師範大學公館校區圖書分館主任,國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所博士候選人;國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所教授;國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所研究生;國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所研究生

網路資訊時代,大量的資訊與資源皆透過網路傳播與擷取,影響範圍無遠弗屆。透過網路傳遞科學知識與資訊,逐漸成為一種新的推廣科學普及與科學教育的方式。國立臺灣師範大學圖書館規劃建置一個科普閱讀網站介紹推廣科普好書、促進科學知識與新知的傳播,以形塑科普閱讀風氣;另一方面,亦希冀可藉此提供科學閱讀方法與教學資源,協助各級學校教師推動科學普及與科普閱讀,以提升學生整體科學素養,將科普閱讀習慣深植。本研究主要以科普閱讀網使用者為中心,分五個階段進行研究:第一階段是透過網站內容分析法收集17 個華文科普相關網站,進行網站架構及標籤項目的分析整理;第二階段進行使用者需求訪談;第三階段實施卡片分類法實驗以瞭解使用者對科普閱讀網站組織架構內容及標籤認知與命名方式;第四階段進行使用者經驗訪談;第五階段進行使用性測試,以了解科普閱讀網的使用者經驗,發掘其使用目標、動機、偏好與特性等,瞭解在實際使用科普閱讀網的使用者行為及面臨使用性之問題。透過本研究獲致以下結論:(一)透過卡片分類法與群集分析方式整理歸納使用者對網站內容組織分類與標籤命名意見,發展一廣度9 類、深度2 層的科普閱讀網站架構;(二)瞭解使用者利用科普閱讀網站之使用目標、動機及其使用偏好;(三)瞭解科普閱讀網站之使用性問題,包括組織分類、標籤命名、搜尋系統、以及介面或操作設計等問題,最後提出相應解決的兩項建議,以作為科普閱讀網後續經營維護之參考。

關鍵字 使用性使用者經驗卡片分類科普閱讀資訊架構
頁碼 63-87
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Title A User Experience Study of Pop Science Web Information Architecture of National Taiwan Normal University
Author Chih-Hwei Lu, Jiann-Cherng Shieh, Wan-Zih Huang, Yu-Chieh Huang
Author's title Chief, Gong-Guan Campus Branch Library, Doctoral Candidate, Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University; Professor, Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University; Graduate Student, Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University; Graduate Student, Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University

Nowadays, a lot of information and resources are spread and retrieved through the Internet. The impact of internet is wide. It gradually becomes a new way to promote the popularization of science and science education through the internet. National Taiwan Normal University Library has built a popular science reading website to introduce popular scientific books and promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge and new knowledge. In addition, this website also intends to provide scientific reading methods for science teachers at all levels to enhance students' scientific literacy and cultivate the science reading habits in daily life. Divided into five stages, this study focuses on the users of popular science reading website. In the first stage, we collected seventeen Chinese popular science reading websites to analyze the architectures and the labels of the websites. In the second stage, we interviewed the users to understand their demands. In the third stage, we used the card sorting method to understand whether the users were aware of the architecture of the websites and the significance of the naming of the labels. We interviewed the users regarding the users’ experiences in the fourth stage. In the fifth stage,we conducted the Usability Test to understand users’ experiences, purposes, motivations, preferences, and characteristics in order to know users’ behaviors and the problems they encounter. This study has several conclusions. First, we concluded users’ opinions towards the architecture and labels of the website through card sorting method and cluster analysis. Then we developed a website of nine-category and 2-level architecture. Second, we got to know users’ purposes, motivations, and preferences in using the popular science website. Third, we understood the usability problems regarding organizations, label-naming, search functions, and the interface of operative designs. Finally, this study proposes two suggestions to solve the problems to maintain the popular science reading website in the future.

Keywords card sortinginformation architecturepopular science readingusabilityuser experience
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