

序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2011
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.15 No.2
作者 陳盈蓁
作者任職單位 臺北市立圖書館課員

圖書館因應web 2.0 時代發展出許多應用服務,其中以部落格在圖書館的應用最為廣泛。相關文獻多數是從圖書館角度探討部落格服務,比較少部落格使用者的相關研究。而圖書館服務是以讀者為導向,宜從讀者的角度檢視圖書館部落格服務的效益。另外,部落格的特性中以迴響最能展示圖書館與讀者互動之情形,並反應讀者對圖書館服務的意見。且近年來我國已有多所大學圖書館提供部落格服務,本研究分析圖書館部落格的迴響,從讀者的角度探討圖書館的部落格服務。
本研究之研究目的為:1. 分析我國大學圖書館部落格迴響之內容。2. 探討大學圖書館館員以及讀者對於圖書館部落格及迴響之看法。3. 探討部落格對圖書館服務的影響。本研究以內容分析法分析我國大學圖書館部落格迴響之內容,研究對象為臺灣地區之33 所大學圖書館80 個部落格。以訪談法與問卷調查法分別了解館員及讀者對於大學圖書館部落格之看法,研究對象為內容分析中迴響數量最高之5 所圖書館部落格之館員與讀者。根據分析結果,攸關讀者權益之文章迴響數量較多,迴響類別以「回應作者」最多。多數填答者會持續追蹤圖書館部落格,但是於部落格上留下迴響的意願較低。館員表示可從部落格的迴響數量得知讀者關心的議題,並且瞭解讀者的意見與需求。最後,建立圖書館部落格須整體性的規劃,如建置目的、部落格內容、管理人員、推廣及機構首長的支持等,才能使部落格發揮最大效用。

關鍵字 大學圖書館迴響部落格
頁碼 124-145
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2011.15-2.07
Title A Study of University Library Blog Comments
Author Ying-Jean Chen
Author's title Section Assistant, Taipei Public Library

In order to cope with the generation of web 2.0, libraries develop a variety of services and a blog is the most widely-used application of all. In regard to blogs, most studies focused on the blog services from the library’s point of view, leaving out the blog users’. Library service should be reader-oriented; therefore, it is better to examine the library services from the readers’ point of view. Comment is the most representative characteristic of blogs, which not only display the interactions between the library and readers but also expresses the opinions of readers. Lots of university libraries in Taiwan have developed blog services in recent years. This study is intended to analyze blog comments to illustrate library services from the readers’s point of view. Purposes of this study are: 1.To analyze the contents of university library blog comments. 2. To explore the library blogs and comments from viewpoints of librarians as well as readers. 3. To explore the impact of blogs on library services. First, contents of 80 library blogs (in 33 universities) were analyzed. In addition, interviews and survey by questionnaire were conducted to investigate viewpoints of librarians and readers on university library blogs. The research targets are librarians and readers from the top five libraries which possessed more comments on their library blogs. According to the analysis, articles which relevant to readers’ right acquire more comments. Reply to the author is on the top among various types of comments. According to the survey by questionnaires, more than half of respondents tend to obtain the latest news and information concerning library collections. Nevertheless, only a few of them would have willingness to make comments on blogs. Librarians indicated that the more comments readers post, the more librarians can realize what readers concern. In conclusion, libraries would need definite goals, informative blog contents, appropriate management and promotion, and supports from the library authority to provide effective and efficient blog services.

Keywords BlogCommentUniversity library
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2011.15-2.07