序號 | 9 |
刊名 | 大學圖書館 |
年份 | 2004 |
出版月份 | 3月 |
卷期 | Vol.8 No.1 |
作者 | 林雯瑤 |
作者任職單位 | 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學研究所博士生 |
摘要 |
圖書賌訊學是一個理論與實務須密切融合且同等重要的學科,在實務界工作的圖書館員除了事務性的工作之外,如果能針對各種實務或理論問題加以研究,並將研究成果以出版的方式與其他同儕分享,將可對領域的進步有重大的貢獻與影響。本文針對臺灣圖書館館員在特定期刊發表之文獻的數量、發表時間與主題分佈狀況、合著與否、使用之研究方法等加以分析。 |
關鍵字 | 圖書館員 / 期刊文獻 / 論文發表 |
頁碼 | 167-192 |
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DOI | |
Review | |
Title | Journal Article Publication Patterns of Librarians in Taiwan |
Author | Wen-yau Cathy Lin |
Author's title | Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, NTU |
Abstract |
Practical and theoretical aspects are equally important in the discipline of library and information. Significant improvement of library related research could therefore be fulfilled by studies performed and published by librarians. In this paper, publications of research article in selected journals by librarians from Taiwan were analyzed. Discussions including the number of articles published, research topics, authorship, co-authorship, and research methods were presented. |
Keywords | journal article / Librarian / publication / |
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