序號 | 5 |
刊名 | 大學圖書館 |
年份 | 2003 |
出版月份 | 3月 |
卷期 | Vol.7 No.1 |
作者 | 余泰魁;王怡舜;惠龍 |
作者任職單位 | 國立雲林科技大學管理學系;國立彰化師範大學資訊管理學系;國立雲林科技大學管理學系 |
摘要 |
知識經濟時代的來臨使得圖書館扮演的角色日益重要,伴隨網際網路的興起與普及,讀者不僅可以獲得多樣化快速檢索資訊與共同使用知識的便利,過去衡量圖書館服務的量表也漸不適用。本研究的主要目的便是要發展一個適用於網際網路時代的圖書館服務品質量表,首先參酌「服務滿意度」、「服務品質」、「圖書館服務品質」等領域的相關文獻,歸納出初步的「圖書館服務品質量表構面」,其中包括「人員服務」、「檢索系統易用性」、「典藏服務」、「檢索設備服務」、「期刊參考服務」、「館藏資源服務」等六個探索性因素構面,並以此六個因素構面為基礎,進一步發展「圖書館服務品質量表」進行統計上的驗證,本研究所發展的量表在探索性及驗證性因素分析中,均獲致良好的信度與效度。最後,針對後續研究及圖書館實務界提出若干建議。 |
關鍵字 | Library / Measures / Service quality / 圖書館 / 服務品質 / 量表 |
頁碼 | 96-118 |
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DOI | |
Review | |
Title | Development and Validation of a Model for Measuring Library Service Quality in the Internet Context |
Author | Lung Huei; Yi-shun Wang; Lung Huei |
Author's title | Department of Management, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology; Department of Information Management, National Changhua University of Education; Department of Management, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology |
Abstract |
Library plays an increasingly important role in the age of knowledge economy. With the prosperity of the Internet, users can conveniently make use of various information retrieval and knowledge sharing facilities. Hence, current models for measuring service quality of library are perceived as inapplicable as they are targeted primarily towards traditional library contexts. The main purpose of this study is to develop a comprehensive model and instrument for measuring library service quality in the Internet context. This study first reviews the literature relating to library service quality, and then proposes the six exploratory dimensions of library services, including personnel service, retrieval systems’ ease of use, preservation service, information retrieval facility, journal reference service, and collections resource service. Based on the six dimensions, this study further proposes and validates a model for measuring library service quality. Through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, evidenece of reliability and validity of the proposed model is presented. Finally, we conclude this study by discussing limitations and implications for research and practice. |
Keywords | Library / Measures / Service quality / |
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