序號 | 5 |
刊名 | 大學圖書館 |
年份 | 1998 |
出版月份 | 4月 |
卷期 | Vol.2 No.2 |
作者 | 余純惠 |
作者任職單位 | 國立清華大學圖書館採編組 |
摘要 |
館員發展係指一種有目的的努力,由圖書館根據組織的需求及其人員的興趣,規劃學習的機會,這些活動將圖書館的遠景、工作的相關性及個人的潛能緊密地結合,藉由鼓勵並提供所屬人力資源的成長來加強圖書館的能力,以有效率且有效能地實踐其使命。本文係對大學圖書館館員發展之基本概念、相關理論、模式,以及實施程序等作一簡要之介紹,並提出大學圖書館館員發展計畫應先由「基礎建設」著手之建議。 |
關鍵字 | 大學圖書館員 / 終生學習社會 / 繼續教育 / |
頁碼 | 46-61 |
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DOI | |
Review | |
Title | Staff Development in University Libraries |
Author | Chwen-Huey Yu |
Author's title | Staff development is a conscious effort intended to strengthen the library’s function in providing the growth of its own human resources. The library is responsible in offering learning opportunities based on the needs and interest for its staff members. These activities should be organized according to the job relatedness and personnel potential. So the purpose of this paper is to introduce some basic concepts, related theories, and procedures of implementations of staff development. Questionnaires concerning the current situations of staff development in Taiwan will be provided in this paper to demonstrate the importance of staff development as a starting point in the infrastructure. |
Abstract |
Staff development is a conscious effort intended to strengthen the library’s function in providing the growth of its own human resources. The library is responsible in offering learning opportunities based on the needs and interest for its staff members. These activities should be organized according to the job relatedness and personnel potential. So the purpose of this paper is to introduce some basic concepts, related theories, and procedures of implementations of staff development. Questionnaires concerning the current situations of staff development in Taiwan will be provided in this paper to demonstrate the importance of staff development as a starting point in the infrastructure. |
Keywords | Continuing education / Lifelong learning society / University librarian / |
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