

序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2015
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.19 No.2
作者 吳彥宏;吳政叡
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學研究所研究生;輔仁大學圖書資訊學系專任教授

本研究試圖建立一個美食部落格介面的使用性評估模型,做為使用性評估的指引。首先收集部落格介面設計準則與使用性評估的相關研究,並從中彙整出內容易用性、介面互動性、版型設計等3 個構面,合計含有21 個項目的部落格介面評估模型。本研究的樣本是從個人美食部落格、公司美食部落格及Alexa 排名美食部落格等3 類中選取15 個樣本。評估結果顯示,首先,3 個類群的代表性樣本均比同類型一般隨機樣本的表現優良;其次,整體來說,Alexa 排名美食部落格表現較其他2 類為優,個人美食部落格和公司美食部落格則相差不多。以個別評估項目來看,3 個類群在適當使用圖像和網站區塊二個項目上均有嚴重的使用性問題。個人美食部落格另外在一致性、易於瀏覽的頁面長度、連接的穩定性、主題一致性、個別文章點擊之人氣數量等5 個項目上有嚴重的使用性問題;公司美食部落格則是在一致性和部落客自身意見等2 個項目上有嚴重的使用性問題;Alexa排名美食部落格則只有在文章分類1 個項目上有嚴重的使用性問題。

關鍵字 使用性使用性評估使用者介面美食部落格
頁碼 48-68
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DOI doi.org/10.6146/univj.19-2.03
Title Primary Investigation of Food Blog Interface Usability Evaluation
Author Yen-Hong Wu;Cheng-Juei Wu
Author's title Graduate Student, Department of Library and Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University;Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

In this work, based on related researches of user interface design and usability evaluation in food blogs, we first develop a usability evaluation model, incorporating three perspectives: content usability, interactive interface, and layout design, with 21 evaluation items in total. The 15 evaluation samples are chosen from three types of food blogs: personal food blogs, company food blogs, and Alexa food blogs. This investigation proposes several important findings. Firstly, in each of these three types of food blogs, the most famous blog is better designed than those randomly selected blogs. Secondly, Alexa food blogs are overall performed better than the other two types of food blogs. In addition, personal food blogs are scored more or less equal to company food blogs. From the perspective of each individual evaluated item, all three types of blogs have severe usability problems in two items: improper use images and website blocks. In addition, personal food blogs have severe usability problems in five other items: consistency, navigable age length, stable connection, consistent theme, and individual article cumulative popularity. Company food blogs have severe usability problems in two other items: consistency and opinionated blogger articles. Alexa food blogs have severe usability problem in only one more item: article classification.

Keywords food blogusabilityUsability evaluationuser interface
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DOI doi.org/10.6146/univj.19-2.03