Shao-Wei Juan


序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.4 No.1
作者 阮紹薇
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館採訪組

因學術研究或興趣嗜好等不同動機而聚集的人們,透過電腦中介傳播(Computer Mediated Communication)媒體進行互動與聯繫、跨越時間及地理位置的阻隔,建立了與現實社群有別的「虛擬社群」(Virtual Community)。由於網際網路中成功的社群經營模式可以吸納臨界數量的成員並從中獲利,引起各類營利及非營利事業的對社群經營的重視。如為增加獲利能力而經營虛擬社群的網路服務提供者及電子商務企業,以及將現實與虛擬交融的公眾或營利的「社群網路」,發展獨特的社群經營策略。在圖書館界,「U S WEST」專門圖書館網站提出「知識分享」主張、維吉尼亞大學圖書館的「Electronic Text Center」將內容建置主權轉移給使用者等,為數位圖書館經營虛擬社群的創舉。本文探討網路文化中「虛擬社群」的特殊現象,並實例介紹經營虛擬社群的策略,盼圖書館界未來能將相關議題納入使用者研究及數位圖書館的建構藍圖中。

關鍵字 社區網路虛擬社群電子商務電腦中介傳播
頁碼 60-80
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Title The Study of Phenomena and Operating Strategies of Virtual Communities
Author Shao-wei Juan
Author's title Acquisitions Department, National Taiwan University Library

People with common interest or purpose, independent of geography and time, participate in computer-mediated social groups and create many kinds of virtual communities. Members can conduct commerce, exchange knowledge, share emotional support, or find friends in the virtual space. Since the population of virtual communities is growing fast, it provides good opportunities for e-commerce, real community development, and electronic libraries. This paper clarifies the concept and phenomena of virtual communities, and introduces operating strategies learned from some specific examples.

Keywords Community NetworkComputer Mediated CommunicationElectronic commerceVirtual Community
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序號 10
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2002
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.6 No.2
作者 阮紹薇
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館採訪組


關鍵字 合夥關係圖書代理商圖書館-代理商關係圖書館採訪作業
頁碼 159-182
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Title A Study of Library-Monographic Vendor Relations
Author Shao-wei Juan
Author's title Acquisitions Department, NTU Library

Good relationship between libraries and their suppliers is considered a critical link in the library’s ability to deliver quality service to its users. Owing to the financial constaints of the libraries, effective vendor relationship may be more important today than in previous times. This article will review the historical library-monographic vendor relations, and explore the new trend in Internet era. Especially, business partnership and Internet technology offer a new model to libraries as a basis for a more effective relationship with the vendor and advance the benefit of the library users.

Keywords Library acquisitionslibrary-vendor relationsmonographic vendorsPartnership
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序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2009
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.13 No.2
作者 阮紹薇
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館採訪組編審兼採錄股股長


關鍵字 原生數位資源數位資源寄存法機構典藏機構網站典藏系統網站典藏庫網路資源備份開放性網路資源
頁碼 71-99
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009-13-2.04
Title Web Archiving Strategies in Collections and Recent Developments
Author Shao-Wei Juan
Author's title Librarian, Acquisitions Department, National Taiwan University Library

This paper reviews the significance and recent development of web archiving projects and includes a summary of the current state of web archiving in many countries. This paper focuses on NTUWAS as an example of an archive which combines approaches for acquiring information collections, and establishs institutional repository and eventsoriented web sites for future studies.

Keywords Born digitalDigital Collection Deposit ActInstitutional repositoryIWAS (Institutional Web Archiving System)Open access resourcesWeb archiving systemWeb resource preservation
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009-13-2.04