Ya-Hsun Yang


序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2008
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.12 No.1
作者 楊雅勛;高鵬
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學醫學院圖書分館館員;國立臺灣大學醫學院圖書分館主任


關鍵字 公平交易法圖書館採訪圖書館法聯盟採購著作權法電子資源
頁碼 132-150
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Title A Study on the Approaches to Major Problems of Consortia Purchasing For Electronic Resources
Author Ya-Hsun Yang; Peng Kao
Author's title Librarian, Medical Library, National Taiwan University; Head, Medical Library, National Taiwan University

Consortia purchasing for electronic resources has been viewed as an effective way to save cost and labor, and also to gain more bargaining power. However, most consortia face the difficulties of complicated pricing models and unfair licensing agreements. The author believes that related regulations, such as Copyright Law, Library Law and Fair Trade Act, should apply when e-resource agents are requested to modify the pricing models and licensing agreements. It is also vital for consortia to gain the support of the government and assistance from the Fair Trade Commission in order to improve the efficiency of consortia purchasing.

Keywords Consortia purchasingCopyright lawElectronic resourcesFair trade actLibrary acquisitionsLibrary law
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