

序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2008
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.12 No.2
作者 高鵬;杜宜凌;鄧鈺璇
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學醫學院圖書分館主任;國立臺灣大學醫學院圖書分館館員;國立臺灣大學醫學院圖書分館館員


關鍵字 圖書館安全系統流通無線射頻識別盤點自助借還書
頁碼 130-152
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2008.12-2.06
Title Application of RFID Technology in Library Services:a Study on the National Taiwan University Medical Library
Author Peng Kao; Yi-Ling Tu; Yu-Hsuan Teng
Author's title Head, Medical Library, National Taiwan University;Librarian, Medical Library, National Taiwan University;Librarian, Medical Library, National Taiwan University

Radio frequency identification (RFID) has been named as one of the ten greatest contributory technologies in the 21st century. The establishment of an RFID system in the Taiwan University Medical Library and related issues are discussed in the paper. The authors suggest that, with sufficient budget and manpower, RFID technology can be applied in libraries according to the five stages proposed in the paper. Besides, four suggestions on the development of the RFID system are made.

Keywords CirculationInventoryRadio frequency identificationRFIDSecurity systemSelf-charging
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2008.12-2.06