Books collection


序號 3
刊名 2
年份 2006
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.10 No.2
作者 吳璧雍;許媛婷
作者任職單位 國立故宮博物院副研究員;國立故宮博物院編輯


關鍵字 善本古籍故宮數位典藏國家型科技計畫藏書
頁碼 34-49
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Title The Features of the Rare Books Collection and its DigitizationDevelopment in the National Palace Museum
Author Pi-yung Wu; Yuan-ting Hsu
Author's title Associate Researcher, National Palace Museum; Editor, National Palace Museum

The precious rare books in the National Palace Museum, one of the most important preserving institutions in Taiwan, number approximately 200,000 volumes. Most of them are inherited from Ch'ing€'s court, dating from the North Sung Dynasty to the late years of Ch'ing Dynasty, and others include various individuals such as written edition, woodblock edition, monographs printed in movable types, imprints annotated by renowned scholars, manuscripts, and works printed and written in Korean and Japanese.
To preserve these precious rare books, the National Palace Museum is devoted to archives digitization and participates in the"National Digital Archives Project"€ since 2003. The first phase of this program will be completed by the end of 2006. Although we don€'t have enough time and human resources to digitize all the rare books in museum, the digital performance during these years unveils the secret of rare books in Ch€'ing's court in front of the public through the transmission from digital images.

Keywords Books collectionNational Digital Archives ProjectNational Palace MuseumRare books
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