Vol.10 No.2

Vol.10 No.2


Vol.10 No.2


序號 9
刊名 2
年份 2006
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.10 No.2
作者 林妙樺
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學研究所博士生/ 中央研究院歷史語言所傅斯年圖書館館員


關鍵字 可用性評估模式數位典藏系統入口網站界面
頁碼 160-182
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Title Investigating the Usability Evaluation of Website Interface for Digital Archives System
Author Miao-hua Lin
Author's title Doctoral Student, Department of Library and Information Science, NTU/ Librarian, Fu Ssu-Nien Library, Institute of History & Philology, Academia Sinica

"Usability Evaluation" is to assess the comprehensive satisfaction of the user interface, including the three facets of effect , efficiency and satisfaction.The system website interface must be evaluated in order to understand the expectation of users and operation divide of the system network interface after the design and construction.No matter what kind of evaluation method, the goal of evaluative outcome is to provide the feedback of system design, and to gather the user point of view about system interface and service.This article will introduce the development and model of the usability evaluation, and suggest the model of usability evaluation in connection with digital archive system website interface in Taiwan.Finally, some conclusion and suggestion will be given for the digital archive institutions.

Keywords digital archivesSystem website interfaceUsability evaluation
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序號 6
刊名 2
年份 2006
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.10 No.2
作者 林淑芬
作者任職單位 國家圖書館全國期刊文獻中心編輯


關鍵字 加值應用國家圖書館報紙數位化數位典藏期刊數位化
頁碼 100-121
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Title A Study on the Preservation and Application of Periodical and Newspaper Digitization:the National Central Library Experiences
Author Shu-fen Lin
Author's title Editor, National Periodicals Center, National Central Library

Periodicals and newspapers are characterized by providing continuing and prompt services. The critical challenges facing a library in serial collections include the difficulty in claiming, unsatisfactory paper quality, limited storage space and the damages on high usage. The user statistics of the National Central Library (NCL) shows that most of the library patrons are college and graduate school students who use periodicals and newspapers frequently. Thus periodicals and newspapers have always been highly used in the NCL. The damage of serially issued materials caused by frequently copying, aging and acidification forces the NCL to take long-term preservation of periodicals and newspapers into serious consideration.
The NCL started digitization of serial collection since 1996 but saw limited results due to budget problem. In 2001 the Library launched the "Periodical and Newspaper Digital Archive Project" (NDAP) to participate in the "National Digital Archives Program" sponsored by the National Science Council. With continuing financial support from NDAP, the NCL has made enormous achievements in serial materials digital archiving. This article is to describe the NCL's experiences in periodical and newspaper digitization including planning, strategies, digitization processes and issues related to further application of digital archives.

Keywords Application and servicedigital archivesNational Central LibraryNewspaper digitizationPeriodical digitization
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序號 7
刊名 2
年份 2006
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.10 No.2
作者 郭良文;林素甘;曾欣怡
作者任職單位 交通大學傳播研究所、傳播與科技學系教授;淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系助理教授;數位典藏國家型計畫聯合目錄計畫助理

本文針對傳播資料的概念特性與結構特質,探討純文字、動態影像、靜態影像與聲音等四大類型傳播資料 metadata 之建置。一般常使用的都柏林核心集(Dublin Core),所運用的十五項 metadata 欄位,乃針對廣泛適用的資料所設計,雖然涵蓋項目多、流通廣泛,但其欄位卻無法滿足動態性與複雜性高的傳播媒體資料內涵。本文針對傳播媒體資料特性,提出建置 metadata 的考量因素。就基本概念的部分而言,本文說明傳播資料的複雜性、聚合性、即時性、連續性、互文性、超文本特性與多義性。其次,本文亦從資料結構特質的角度,針對傳播領域中的報紙新聞(純文字)、電影紀錄片(動態影像)、報紙新聞版面(靜態影像)與廣播(聲音)等 metadata 的建置,援引案例進行討論、並提出不同類型傳播資料可考慮建置之欄位,以捕捉傳播資料的特質。

關鍵字 傳播資料後設資料數位典藏詮釋資料
頁碼 122-141
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Title Rethinking Metadata Format from the Data of Media and Communication
Author Liang-wen Kuo; Su-kan Lin; Chin-i Tseung
Author's title Professor, Graduate Institute of Communication Studies, National Chiao Tung University; Assistant Professor, Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University; Research Assistant, Union Catalog of National Digital Archives Program

This paper discusses the fundamental concepts and structures of communication data in terms of the metadata format of the following four types: text, motion images, still images and sound. Due to Dublin Core's lack of account on the dynamic aspects of media and communication data, an analysis of the nature of communication data is proposed. Seven characteristics of fundamental concepts are discussed: complexity, convergence, spontaneity, continuity, intertextuality, hypertextuality and polygamy. Accompanied by examples, each of the above mentioned data type is also explained in terms of the considering factors of metadata format of each of media types.

Keywords Communication datadigital archivesMedia metadataMetadata
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序號 8
刊名 2
年份 2006
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.10 No.2
作者 江梅燕;柯皓仁
作者任職單位 交通大學電機資訊學院在職專班數位圖書資訊組研究生;交通大學圖書館教授兼副館長


關鍵字 創意學習創意思考教學創造性問題解決模式劉興欽數位典藏
頁碼 142-159
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Title Application of Digital Archives in Creative Learning-Using Creative Problem Solving to Analyze the Process of Liu Hsing-Chin's Scientific Inventions
Author Mei-yan Jiang; Hao-ren Ke
Author's title Master Student, Master Program of Digital Library, National Chiao Tung University; Professor and Associate Director, National Chiao Tung University Library

The Library of National Chiao Tung University (NCTU Library) has been participating in the "National Digital Archives Program, Taiwan" (NDAP, Taiwan) for several years, and many valuable cultural assets have been digitalized. The next step of the NCTU Library lies in exploiting these digitalized cultural assets in value-added applications, and this article describes one possible application in creative learning. This article has two focuses, the first is to introduce the digital archives of Liu Hsing-Chin's comics and patents. The next incorporates the concept of Creative Problem Solving (CPS) into creative learning. CPS is employed to analyze the entire process of Liu Hsing-Chin's scientific inventions in a step-by-step manner. According to the analysis results, a set of game-based educational materials is designed. In addition, this article analyzes the Creativity Assessment Packet developed by Williams, and uses its key idea to design an on-line evaluation system.

Keywords Creative learningCreative Problem Solving (CPS)Creative thinking teachingdigital archivesLiu Hsing-ChinWilliams Creativity Assessment Packet
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序號 5
刊名 2
年份 2006
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.10 No.2
作者 洪淑芬;羅雅如
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館特藏組編審/國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系博士生;國立師範大學歷史系研究所碩士生


關鍵字 典藏數位化參照研究拓本主題分析淡新檔案臺灣古碑拓本臺灣研究
頁碼 65-99
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Title The New Historical Research Possibilities from Digitization Projects:A Cross-referencing Research Example of Taiwan Relic Rubbings and Tan-Hsin Archive
Author Shu-fen Hung Lin; Ya-ju Lo
Author's title Executive Officer, Special Collections Department, National Taiwan University Library/ Doctorial Student, Library and Information Science Department, National Taiwan University; M. A. Program Student, Department of History, National Taiwan Normal University

This research was conducted by using the database established under the Digital Archives Project on Taiwan Historical Collections of National Taiwan University. The authors took a special case "Forbidden of Suicide in Fraud of Others" which appeared in both the Taiwan University's rubbings collection and the Tan-Hsin Archive as an example, and demonstrated how cross-referencing use of these two collections could help to uncover some historical problems of the Taiwan society and the solutions from the government. The monumental stone rubbings, mostly single autonomous items, depict various aspects such as politics, social development, religion, customs and culture of the early Taiwan society. The Tan-Hsin Archive, on the other hand, is significant in having series of documents concerning a single event happened in the old Taiwan society. As these two collections have similar spatial and geographic coverage, the Tan-Hsin Archive could serve as supplements to the rubbings for doing research on the subjects described in the relic rubbings. However, the rubbings are mostly over-sized documents and not easy to provide for use. The Tan-Hsin Archive contains a tremendous amount of documents, therefore, it is difficult to retrieve documents concerning a definite topic by using microfilms or duplicates of the originals. Now that database of these two collections is available, it is possible to easily retrieve documents concerning the same event from these two collections. As a result, it enables cross-referencing use of these first-hand historical resources. The paper hopes to initiate new research possibilities based on the rubbings and encourage in-dept research from referencing use of Tan-Hsin Archive. In addition, the authors made an approximately corresponding topical map of these two collections from subject analysis, adding it as an appendix of this article for researchers' reference.

Keywords Cross referenceDigitization projectSubject analysisTaiwan relic rubbingsTaiwan studiesTan-Hsin Archive
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序號 1
刊名 2
年份 2006
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.10 No.2
作者 項潔;洪筱盈
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學資訊工程學系教授兼圖書館館長;國立臺灣大學資訊網路與多媒體研究所博士班學生


關鍵字 數位保存數位館藏機構典藏網頁典藏館藏發展
頁碼 2-18
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Title Digital Preservation and Collection Development Strategies in Libraries: A Case Study on the National Taiwan University Library
Author Jieh Hsiang; Hsiao-ying Hung
Author's title University Librarian, Professor of Computer Science and information Engineering, National Taiwan University;PhD. Student, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia, National Taiwan University

With the ever increasing volume of digital objects, it is imperative for libraries to design strategies for collecting, preserving, and incorporating digital resources into the library's collection. In this paper, we classify digital collections into four categories, according to their relationship with physical resources. We then point out that university libraries should play a more active role in preserving cultural heritage, and map out a strategy for this purpose. A developmental strategy for managing free digital resources is then outlined. We conclude the paper with a discussion of the issues libraries should consider when incorporating digital resources into their collection.

Keywords Collection developmentDigital collectionDigital preservationInstitutional repositoryWeb Archive
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序號 2
刊名 2
年份 2006
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.10 No.2
作者 洪素萱;謝小芩
作者任職單位 國立清華大學圖書館系統資訊組專任助理;國立清華大學通識教育中心教授兼圖書館館長


關鍵字 數位典藏私家文書臺灣史研究葉榮鐘
頁碼 19-33
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Title Performance and Application of Yeh Rung-chung Digital Archive
Author Su-hsuan Hung; Hsiao-chin Hsieh
Author's title Assistant, Information System Division, Nation Tsing-Hua University Library; Professor, Center for General Education, National Tsing-Hua University/ Director, National Tsing-Hua University Library

This article introduces the content and characteristics of Yeh Rung-chung Digital Archive built by the University Library of National Tsing Hua University.
Mr. Yeh Rung-chung experienced critical periods of Taiwan history and had participated in most of the important cultural and political events of his time from 1900 to 1978. With a strong sense of history, Mr. Yeh had preserved and collected a large amount of materials with wide diversities, reflecting the cultural, social, and political phenomena of different periods of Taiwan. In the project of building Yeh Rung-chung Digital Archive, we have adopted various strategies and measures to reveal and cherish the values of this precious collection.
In this paper, we discuss accomplishments of "Yeh Rung-chung Digital Archive". In addition to its technological, educational and academic utilities, we suggest that Yeh Rung-chung Digital Archive also serves as a good example for digital archiving of private/personal collections for the general public in this digital era.

Keywords Digital archivingPrivate collectionStudies on Taiwan historyYeh Rung-chung
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序號 3
刊名 2
年份 2006
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.10 No.2
作者 吳璧雍;許媛婷
作者任職單位 國立故宮博物院副研究員;國立故宮博物院編輯


關鍵字 善本古籍故宮數位典藏國家型科技計畫藏書
頁碼 34-49
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Title The Features of the Rare Books Collection and its DigitizationDevelopment in the National Palace Museum
Author Pi-yung Wu; Yuan-ting Hsu
Author's title Associate Researcher, National Palace Museum; Editor, National Palace Museum

The precious rare books in the National Palace Museum, one of the most important preserving institutions in Taiwan, number approximately 200,000 volumes. Most of them are inherited from Ch'ing€'s court, dating from the North Sung Dynasty to the late years of Ch'ing Dynasty, and others include various individuals such as written edition, woodblock edition, monographs printed in movable types, imprints annotated by renowned scholars, manuscripts, and works printed and written in Korean and Japanese.
To preserve these precious rare books, the National Palace Museum is devoted to archives digitization and participates in the"National Digital Archives Project"€ since 2003. The first phase of this program will be completed by the end of 2006. Although we don€'t have enough time and human resources to digitize all the rare books in museum, the digital performance during these years unveils the secret of rare books in Ch€'ing's court in front of the public through the transmission from digital images.

Keywords Books collectionNational Digital Archives ProjectNational Palace MuseumRare books
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序號 4
刊名 2
年份 2006
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.10 No.2
作者 賴忠勤
作者任職單位 國立臺中圖書館視聽教育課課長兼資訊小組執行秘書


關鍵字 古文書國立臺中圖書館地方文獻數位典藏日文舊籍歷史性報紙舊版報紙
頁碼 50-64
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Title The Current State and Development of Digital Archives Programs in the National Taichung Library
Author Chung-chin Lai
Author's title Chief, Audio-Visual Education & Informaiton Management Department, National Taichung Library

The article introduces the digital archives systems constructed by National Tai-chung Library, including digitization of local collections, historical newspapers, ancient documents and Japanese old books, exploring the relevant background of digitization, value-added applications and potential problems. To examine and propose the future direction of developing digitization.

Keywords Ancient documentsdigital archivesHistorical newspapersJapanese old booksLocal collectionsNational Taichung Library
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