Cataloging education


序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 7月
卷期 Vol.1 No.3
作者 張慧銖
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學醫學院圖書分館主任

目錄(catalog)及書目控制(bibliographic control)在圖書館的實務工作與圖書館學的教育中皆佔有十分重要的地位。然而編目教育自杜威(Melvil Dewey)創立圖書館學校以來經歷了許多變革,其主要的原因與發展過程為何?有那些議題最受爭議?近年來在科技進步﹑行政目標改變及經費縮減的情況下,編目教育受到何種衝擊與挑戰?有那些值得我們省思的問題?等,皆是本文所要探討的內容。

關鍵字 編目教育
頁碼 94-109
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Title A Discussion of What Affects and Challenges Cataloging Education Today
Author Huei-chu Chang
Author's title Head, Medical Library, National Taiwan University

Cataloging and bibliographic control are central to what libraries do and what library science educators teach. This study explores the major reasons for the many changes that have taken place over the years in cataloging education and how it has developed since it was established by Melvil Dewey. Other questions addressed include: Which issues have been most controversial? How have the technological advances of recent years, changes in administrative goals and declining budgets have affected and challenged cataloging education? And which problems should be considered?

Keywords Cataloging education
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