

序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2004
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.8 No.2
作者 羅靜純
作者任職單位 淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系

電子資源是大學圖書館館藏發展重點,其使用授權已成為不容忽視的挑戰及工作。本研究採用文獻探討法,探討國內外學者對此議題之觀點,並利用內容分析法,針對國際間發展的使用授權準則聲明及授權規範內容進行剖析,歸納出大學圖書館應關心的議題。依據研究結果提出八項建議:1. 圖書館應重視電子資源使用授權之重要性及館員培育,同時以團隊進行為宜;2. 國內圖書館應與國際聯盟組織保持良好互動;3. 圖書館應支持聯盟運作模式,並適時扮演意見提供者及協助授權評估者之角色並強化合作意願;4. 做好契約管理工作;5. 於紙本期刊採購同時,考慮電子期刊使用授權問題;6. 努力向供應商爭取合理使用、館際合作,以及放寬甚至取消紙本期刊刪訂限制;7. 加強讀者遵守使用規範概念,避免違規情事發生,以及8. 圖書館應向資訊供應商爭取契約中文譯本,作為輔助參考等。

關鍵字 使用授權協商電子資源
頁碼 155-180
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Title Licensing Electronic Resources: A View from University Libraries
Author Ching-Chun Lo
Author's title Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University

Providing information in digital format to users becomes a major trend for libraries. For most libraries today, licensing electronic resources is a critical issue and challenge. This study reviews different aspects of strategic and practical considerations for licensing issues. It considers the key concerns for university libraries by analyzing the statements of licensing principles and model licenses developed by international library associations.
This study also offers the following suggestions:
1. License agreement negotiation training is required for librarians.
2. Library consortia in Taiwan should try to keep interaction with international library organizations.
3. Libraries in Taiwan should support national consortia by providing opinions and evaluating the license agreement to strengthen the cooperation.
4. Manage all license agreements effectively.
5. Consider the access and licensing of electronic journals when subscribing their printed format.
6. Try to retain the rights for fair use, interlibrary loan and exclude the non-cancellation clause from the contract or agreement.
7. Inform users of the restrictions and their obligations in using these digital resources.
8. Ask the information provider for a Chinese translation of agreement for reference.

Keywords Electronic resourcesLicensingNegotiation
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