Vol.5 No.1

Vol.5 No.1


序號 1
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 林麗娟
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系


關鍵字 主動學習批判式思考網路學習資訊科技資訊素養
頁碼 2-15
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Title Information Literacy and Learning in the New Millennium: A Web-based Learning Approach
Author Lih-juan ChanLin
Author's title Department of Library & Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

With the advent of Internet, learning environment in the new millennium is expanding beyond traditional classroom. It is enlarged to incorporate students and experts from all over the world to share their learning experiences. Internet has changed the learning pattern of students. However, the quantity of the information resources available on Internet is so overwhelmingly abundant that some students don’t know how to explore them. Therefore, to promote active learning and to develop critical thinking among students, it has become a very important mission for modern educators to integrate information literacy into academic curriculum and with capability of solving problem. This paper discusses relevant issues concerning Internet learning, focusing on active learning and responsibility libraries should take. It also suggests some feasible methods of incorporating information literacy with problem-solving, critical thinking, on-line tutorial, curriculum integration, as well as the principles for promoting such a manner of teaching.

Keywords Active learningCritical thinkinginformation literacyInformational technologyWeb-based learning
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