

序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2008
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.12 No.1
作者 黃元鶴
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系副教授


關鍵字 創新系統引用文獻分析書目計量學知識擴散知識生產力
頁碼 72-95
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Title Using Bibliometrics to Analyze Knowledge Production, Flow and Diffusion in the Innovation Systems of Taiwan, Hong Kong and China: An Empirical Study on Data Mining
Author Yuan-Ho Huang
Author's title Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

Interaction among enterprises and other organizations is essential to innovation systems, where the flow of technology and information can facilitate the generation of innovation and influence industry development. Bibliometric analyses of patent documents and academic publications can reveal the extent of knowledge sharing and diffusion, serving as a narrow performance indicator of innovation systems that also points to their overall development. Therefore, this study used bibliometrics to analyze knowledge production and flow in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China from the perspective of innovation systems, targeting the field of data mining with an empirical study. The results show that Hong Kong universities perform better in knowledge production. From the pattern of collaboration network, it is clear that collaborations happen more between universities and research institutes than between industrial organizations. Furthermore, the frequency of international collaboration in China shows there to be prominent knowledge flow in that innovation system.

Keywords Bibliometricscitation analysisInnovation systemKnowledge diffusionKnowledge production
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序號 1
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2002
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.6 No.2
作者 朱則剛;王國聰
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系;國立臺灣大學圖書館編目組

本研究的目的是分析教學科技領域在1990年1月至1999年12月的十年間在國內期刊所發表的視聽教育與教學科技文獻,所根據的是由國家圖書館的中華民國期刊論文索引所收錄的期刊為限,依據選定的關鍵字由其資料庫中查山1237筆文獻資料,再根據既定的原則予以篩選,最後收錄於本研究的論文共計853篇。 研究者發現由中國視聽教育學會所出版的教學科技與媒體及視聽教育雙月刊這兩份刊物的文章為最多,各有237篇及171篇。其他刊載較多視聽教育與教學科技的文章之期刊則有遠距教育、隔空教育論叢、資訊與教育與教育資料與圖書館學等。 所發表的論文主題以隔空教育﹝含遠距教學與空中教學﹞相關的文章最多,其次則以教學設計與發展相關主題的文章最多,在此類主題中又以課程發展或產品的文章最多。此外,討論媒體應用與現況的文獻亦不在少數。

關鍵字 教學科技文獻分析書目計量學視聽教育
頁碼 2-30
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Title Content and Citation Analysis of Instructional Technology Journal Articles Published Between 1990 and 1999
Author Clarence T.Chu; Kuo-tsung Wang
Author's title Department of Library and Information Science, NTU; Cataloging Department, NTU Library

This research paper analyzes instructional technology papers published in Taiwan journals between 1990 and 1999. Based on the Journal Article database of National Library 251 journals were included. The researchers used keywords such as instructional technology, instructional design, instructional resources, instructional media, CAI, audiovisual instruction, distance education to search for related articles. A total of 1237 articles came out of the database search, and after reviewing with the pre-set criteria, 852 articles are included in the final analysis. It is noted that Journal of Instructional Technology and Media and Audiovisual Education Bimonthly are the two major journals that publish instructional technology papers. Major themes include distance education and instructional design and development.

Keywords audiovisual educationBibliometricsinstructional technologyliterature analysis
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2002
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.6 No.1
作者 蔡明月;洪世芳
作者任職單位 淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系


關鍵字 布萊德福-齊夫定律布萊德福定律文獻成長書目計量學洛卡定律線上公用目錄
頁碼 15-38
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Title A Bibliometric Study of Online Public Access Catalog Literature
Author Ming-yueh Tsay; Shih-fang Hung
Author's title Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University

On the basis of bibliometric analysis, this study explores the characteristics of the OPAC literature, such as the literature growth, document type, language, author productivity and the distribution of journal articles. The OPAC literature, 1975-2000, shows an example of logistic growth. English is the predominant language and the most popular form of publication is the journal article. The vast majority of authors, (77.82%), publish one article only in the subject of OPAC. English core journals were identified based on Bradford’s law. The results of the present study also revealed that author and journal productivity were consistent with Lotka's law and Bradford's law.

Keywords Bibliometricsbradford's lawBradford-Zip's lawliterature growthLotk's lawOnline public access catalogOPACWebPAC
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序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2003
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.7 No.2
作者 賴麗香
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系

本文以書目計量學為方法,分析我國1982-2002 年間所出版之OPAC文獻特性,藉以探討我國OPAC的研究發展情形。共取得OPAC文獻110篇,引用之參考文獻3,299篇,分析項目包括:文獻的基本特性、作者特性與生產力、引用參考文獻之特性。研究結果發現,國內OPAC文獻量少,歷年成長模式接近邏輯斯第曲線;文獻類型以期刊論文為主(75%),探討的主題以使用者研究、綜論、檢索技術及使用者介面佔多數(71%),約有71% 的文獻由圖資系所師生所撰寫;出版一篇文獻的作者佔72%;大量(80%)引用國外英文文獻;學位論文引用量最多,中位篇數約90篇;與國外OPAC文獻特性比較,互有差異與相似之處。

關鍵字 書目計量學線上功用目錄
頁碼 134-163
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Title The Characteristics of the OPAC Literature in Taiwan: A Bibliometric Study
Author Li-Hsiang Lai
Author's title Department of Library and Information Science, NTU

The study explores the characteristics of the OPAC literature published in Taiwan from 1982 through 2002. Using bibliometric analysis, 110 papers containing 3,299 references are analyzed. The results show that most OPAC literatures are published in the format of journal papers (75%). Among which the issues concerned are user study, general introduction. Retrieval technology and user interface (total 71%). Most papers are written by the faculty and graduate students of library schools(71%). 72% of authors contributes one paper. Most of the papers use English reference and a median of 90 references are from thesis/dissertations. Similarities and differences between this study and the previous studies of OPAC literature are illustrated.

Keywords BibliometricsOnline Public Access CataloOPACWebPAC
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大學圖書館專業期刊研究主題之比較研究:以〈大學圖書館〉與〈College and Research Libraries〉為例

序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2004
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.8 No.2
作者 張瀚文
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系

本文旨在分析並比較台灣與美國大學或學術圖書館專業期刊之研究議題;透過對圖書資訊學專業期刊的分析,可瞭解不同國家在研究主題的特色與差異,從中國學習他國的研究經驗,作為我國圖書資訊學域未來發展的參考。因此本研究以1998至2002年間的《大學圖書館》與《College & Research Libraries》為分析對象,分別代表台灣與美國的大學或學術圖書館專業期刊;研究發現兩期刊在研究主題的比重上確實存在差異;特別是《大學圖書館》較強調「資訊科技」的研究,《College & Research Libraries》則較著重「理論與歷史」的論述。

關鍵字 內容分析圖書資訊學大學圖書館書目計量學
頁碼 76-93
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Title An Analysis of the Research Areas of Articles Published in University Library Journal an College & Research Libraries between 1998 and 2002
Author Han-wen Chang
Author's title Department of Library and Information Science, NTU

This article is a comparative research regarding journals of academic librarianship in Taiwan and United States. By analyzing the subjects of the articles in 《University Library Journal》and《College & Research Libraries》, the researcher planed to understand the differences of research interests between the two countries. The result reveals that《University Library Journal》emphasizes information technology more while《College & Research Libraries》pays more attention to theory and history.

Keywords BibliometricsContent analysisLibrary and information scienceUniversity libraries
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