序號 | 8 |
刊名 | 2 |
年份 | 2006 |
出版月份 | 9月 |
卷期 | Vol.10 No.2 |
作者 | 江梅燕;柯皓仁 |
作者任職單位 | 交通大學電機資訊學院在職專班數位圖書資訊組研究生;交通大學圖書館教授兼副館長 |
摘要 |
交通大學圖書館歷年來參與數位典藏國家型計畫,在典藏品的數位化上已頗具規模。在典藏品數位化之後,下一步便是需要思考如何利用數位典藏發展人文與社會、產業與經濟等方面的應用,而本文即為將交通大學圖書館所建置的劉興欽數位典藏應用於創意學習。本文重點有二,首先介紹交通大學圖書館所設計之「劉興欽創意館」;繼而闡述筆者以交通大學圖書館所典藏之劉興欽專利發明品為加值對象,將劉興欽專利品的發明過程,以創造性問題解決模式加以分析,並實際製作符合創造性問題解決模式、以低學齡孩童為對象的多媒體創意學習教材。 |
關鍵字 | 創意學習 / 創意思考教學 / 創造性問題解決模式 / 劉興欽 / 數位典藏 / |
頁碼 | 142-159 |
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DOI | |
Review | |
Title | Application of Digital Archives in Creative Learning-Using Creative Problem Solving to Analyze the Process of Liu Hsing-Chin's Scientific Inventions |
Author | Mei-yan Jiang; Hao-ren Ke |
Author's title | Master Student, Master Program of Digital Library, National Chiao Tung University; Professor and Associate Director, National Chiao Tung University Library |
Abstract |
The Library of National Chiao Tung University (NCTU Library) has been participating in the "National Digital Archives Program, Taiwan" (NDAP, Taiwan) for several years, and many valuable cultural assets have been digitalized. The next step of the NCTU Library lies in exploiting these digitalized cultural assets in value-added applications, and this article describes one possible application in creative learning. This article has two focuses, the first is to introduce the digital archives of Liu Hsing-Chin's comics and patents. The next incorporates the concept of Creative Problem Solving (CPS) into creative learning. CPS is employed to analyze the entire process of Liu Hsing-Chin's scientific inventions in a step-by-step manner. According to the analysis results, a set of game-based educational materials is designed. In addition, this article analyzes the Creativity Assessment Packet developed by Williams, and uses its key idea to design an on-line evaluation system. |
Keywords | Creative learning / Creative Problem Solving (CPS) / Creative thinking teaching / digital archives / Liu Hsing-Chin / Williams Creativity Assessment Packet / |
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