摘要 |
本文主要探討檔案編目規則在國際檔案學會、美國、加拿大、英國、大陸等國之發展, 了解其產生編目規則之過程與規則之內容。國際檔案學會與美國等四國發展檔案編目規則的模式可分為兩種模式: 由上而下的模式與由下而上的的模式。國際與各國檔案編目規則的內容各有其特色, 但沒有任何兩種規則是完全一致的。根據各國檔案編目規則之發展經驗, 作者提出三項具體建議供發展我國檔案編目規則之參考。
Abstract |
This paper discusses the development of archival cataloging rules in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and China. An analysis of the cataloging rules developed in these four countries discovered that two models were used: the top-down and the bottom-up models. Each country has developed its own unique archival cataloging rules, none of them are the same. The author offers three suggestions to develop an archival cataloging rule for Taiwan.