
植基於GIS 的臺灣古典漢詩多媒體網路學習環境設計

序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2013
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.17 No.2
作者 羅鳳珠
作者任職單位 元智大學中國語文學系副教授

中國古典詩歌自詩經、漢樂府、唐宋詩詞以來,一脈相傳。經過二千多年,臺灣古典漢詩仍承繼傳統,傳唱不絕,留下為數不亞於唐宋詩的臺灣古典漢詩,由在這一塊土地生長的詩人們,歌詠著這一塊土地的秀麗山川,風土民情,悲喜情感,文化內涵。清代選編《唐詩三百首》以後,成為海峽二岸青少年及兒童接觸古典詩歌的入門書,臺灣的孩子們對中國古典詩朗朗上口,卻未見過詩中所描寫的景觀。本文以在臺灣所寫的古典漢詩為範圍,選擇500 首作品,建置臺灣古典漢詩傳唱教學地理資訊網站,將作品與地理位置相結合,提供臺灣地區中小學做為臺灣古典詩歌教材。由於所選擇的作品平均分布於臺灣每一地區,各縣市鄉鎮中小學進行古典詩歌教學時,可以優先選擇自己家鄉的作品學習,引發其人親土親的情懷,古典詩歌便與孩子們成長的環境結合在一起,陪孩子們一起成長。作品選擇的原則包含:一、適合青少年及兒童程度;二、作品寫作及寫及地點兼顧臺灣每一個地區;三、作品內容涵蓋:( 一) 臺灣山川景觀及名勝古蹟、( 二)臺灣美食及農漁民生物產、( 三) 臺灣歷史風土民情習俗、( 四) 臺灣的植物。所建置的教材以臺灣古典漢詩為主,內容包含:一、臺灣古典漢詩詩作全文及語義概念類別;二、每一首詩作之閩南語吟唱的聲音資料;三、納入相關之臺灣民間歌謠故事,作為延伸閱讀的教材。

關鍵字 文學地理資訊漢詩吟唱網路教學臺灣古典漢詩
頁碼 66-94
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DOI 10.6146/univj.17-2.04
Title The Design of Multimedia Network Environment Based on Geographic Information System for Learning Classical Taiwanese Poetry
Author 羅鳳珠
Author's title Feng-Ju Lo

Inheriting classical Chinese poetry passed down from The Book of Poetry, folksongs and ballads in the Han Dynasty, and poems in Tang and Song Dynasties, classical Taiwanese poetry continues with the poetic tradition that has been recited and chanted since 2000 years ago. The poets from Taiwan have versified abundant poetry to celebrate magnificent landscapes, cultural heritages, and personal sentiments for this land. Three Hundred Tang Poems compiled in the Qing Dynasty has been used in Taiwan and in Mainland China to introduce children and adolescents to Chinese versification. Nevertheless, Taiwanese children’s familiarity with classical Chinese poetry does not go far from these texts to the actual sight of the landscape. This research will select 500 classical Taiwanese poems to establish a GIS website where to connect each poem with its specific geographic location. Elementary and high school teachers can thus select relevant poems from and about that location so as to bring the poetic descriptions to reality for the learning pupils to be more emotionally and empirically attached to the selected poems. The methods of selection are based on the appropriateness for the learners of different levels as well as the comprehensiveness of locations of Taiwan described in the poetry. The subject matter will include natural landscape and historical sites in Taiwan, regional delicacies, agricultural and aquacultural environments, customs and traditions, and local flora and fauna. The GIS website will include the full text of each poem with complete annotations, the audio files of each poem recorded in Taiwanese dialect, and extended readings of Taiwanese folklore.

Keywords Chinese poetry recital and chantingclassical Taiwanese poetryliterature geographic information systemonline teaching
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DOI 10.6146/univj.17-2.04