序號 | 6 |
刊名 | 大學圖書館 |
年份 | 1999 |
出版月份 | 4月 |
卷期 | Vol.3 No.2 |
作者 | 莊道明 |
作者任職單位 | 世新大學圖書資訊學系副教授 |
摘要 |
二十一世紀資訊社會的來臨,傳統知識素養已無法滿足國民與社會的基本需求。在多元文化的社會發展與Interent網際網路快速進步下,高等教育不單只是發揮知識的傳播,應如何培養學生具備獨立學習與養成終身學習能力,已是當前許多教育改革的重點。而圖書館學界適時推出資訊素養觀念,便是迎合社會時代的需要。資訊素養是指培育國民具備瞭解資訊的價值,對所需要的資訊能使用適當的資訊工具,有效地查詢、蒐集、組織、評估與利用。因此,如何培養大學生具備資訊素養能力,是當今大學教育應努力的議題。本論文探索資訊素養的概念及其教學理論,並嘗試運用於「資料蒐集與報告寫作」的課程設計與教學方法。 |
關鍵字 | 圖書館利用教育 / 大學圖書館 / 終身學習 / 課程設計 / 資訊素養 / |
頁碼 | 95-113 |
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DOI | |
Review | |
Title | 資訊素養融入大專院校課程之探討-以「資料蒐集與報告寫作」課程為例 |
Author | Tao-ming Chuang |
Author's title | Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Studies, Shih Hsin University |
Abstract |
Traditional literacy, which emphasizes on people's skills of reading, writing, and calculating, will not be sufficient for citizens in the 21st century. The information society/Internet intensifies the need for information literacy in higher education. Many academic libraries in college or university offer course-integrated instruction of information literacy program to fit the needs of educational reformation. An information literate citizen is a person who must be able to recognize when information is needed and has the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information. How to prepare college students to be infor¬mation literate is a crucial goal in today's higher education. The paper is not only reviews the educational information literacy models and applies information lit-eracy conception to design the course of " Data Collection and Writing Research Papers". |
Keywords | College and university libraries / information literacy / Instructional design / library instruction / Life-long learning / |
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