Personalized information service


序號 1
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2005
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.9 No.2
作者 施毓琦;吳明德
作者任職單位 南台科技大學圖書館採編典藏組;國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系


關鍵字 個人化資訊服務圖書館網站大學圖書館
頁碼 2-25
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Title A Needs Assessment of Personalized Serviceon the University Library Website
Author Yu-Chi Shih; Ming-Der Wu
Author's title Collection & Technical Services Department Southern Taiwan University of Technology Library; Department of Library and Information Science, NTU

Almost all university libraries increase their print and electronic resources in past decades. At the same time, libraries provide more and more services on their websites. Facing the growth of information and services, it seems that library users will need some kinds of filtering mechanism. A few university library websites initiate personalized service. But, do university library users need the service? What kind of services do they need? Questionnaire survey is made in this study. Results indicate that the students appreciate personalized service, but there is a significant difference between undergraduate students and graduate students.

Keywords Library websitesPersonalized information serviceUniversity libraries
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