University libraries


序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2015
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.19 No.2
作者 蔡欣如;柯皓仁
作者任職單位 國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所碩士生;國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所教授

隨著大環境的改變,圖書館所要面對的挑戰漸增。為了使圖書館能符合讀者的需求,並在科技快速進步的衝擊下,持續提供高效與高品質的服務,實有必要建立績效評估的機制。本研究主要目的為研析出重要性及可行性較高之大專校院圖書館績效指標,並了解影響大專校院圖書館執行績效評估之困難因素,以供大專校院圖書館實踐績效評估的參考。本研究以全國大專校院圖書館為研究對象,利用王怡璇、劉宜臻、柯皓仁(2012)所歸納之大學圖書館績效指標,進行問卷調查,以了解大專校院圖書館績效指標之重要程度與可執行程度,共放發162 份問卷,回收109 份有效問卷。本研究重要發現總結如下:(1) 關於圖書館開放時間、館藏資源充分性與可得性、圖書館人力資源配置、館藏資源使用率、讀者滿意度、館際互借速度、參考問題回覆滿足率、經費等指標之重要程度較高;(2) 影響指標可執行程度的因素包含指標評估方式複雜、資料取得不易、績效指標達成不易等;(3) 時間與經費資源不足為國內大專校院圖書館實踐績效評估的主要困難。本研究依據研究結果提出以下建議:(1) 加強推動大專校院圖書館績效評估;(2) 舉辦績效評估研習與交流活動;(3) 全面施行全國大專校院圖書館績效評估。

關鍵字 圖書館評鑑大專校院圖書館績效指標績效評估
頁碼 22-47
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Title An Importance and Feasibility Study of Performance Indicators for Academic Libraries
Author Hsin-Ju Tsai;Hao-Ren Ke
Author's title Graduate Students, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University;Professor, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University

Facing a new century of highly competitiveness and challenges, libraries have to pursue distinguished service quality for meeting patron needs. Establishing a mechanism of performance measurement, libraries can continuously self-examine their service quality, and present their achievements to their patrons, parent institutions, and funding institutions. It is essential to have a standardized and universal guideline for the practical implementation of performance measurement. In view of this, this study aims at analyzing and developing a set of feasible performance indicators for academic libraries as well as comprehending performance measurement difficulties. Wang, Liu & Ke (2012) integrated existing library performance measurement standards (like ISO 11620:2008) and related projects (like BIX) to propose a total of 59 performance indicators. This study is a followup research of their study. Using a questionnaire survey, this study collected the opinions of academic libraries in Taiwan about the ideally important and practically feasible performance indicators. A total of 162 copies of questionnaire were distributed and 109 copies were returned. The research results are shown as follows. First, the performance indicators about library opening hours, the adequacy and availability of collections, librarian manpower allocation, collections usage, patron satisfaction, interlibrary loan speed, reference fill rate, and budget allocation were more important than others. Second, less feasible indicators possessed features such as high computation cost, difficulty to obtain data, and difficulty to accomplish good achievement. Third, time and budget were the primary reasons that academic libraries did not conduct performance measurement regularly. Suggestions for academic libraries were drawn, based on the conclusion of this study. First, the performance measurement for academic libraries should be promoted further. Second, more activities for librarians to learn about performance measurement could be conducted. Third, a nationwide performance measurement for all academic libraries should be implemented in the long run.

Keywords academic librariesLibrary evaluationperformance indicatorsPerformance measurementUniversity libraries
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序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2013
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.17 No.2
作者 賴雅柔; 柯皓仁
作者任職單位 國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所研究生; 國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所教授


關鍵字 大學圖書館特色館藏館藏發展
頁碼 95-118
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DOI 10.6146/univj.17-2.05
Title A Study of the Development of Special Collections in Taiwan’s University Libraries
Author 賴雅柔; 柯皓仁
Author's title Ya-Jou Lai; Hao-Ren Ke

This research attempts to investigate the development of special collections in Taiwan’s university libraries. The data were collected through conducting semi-structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The findings of this research are as follows: The main reason that contributes to the development of special collections is the inheritance of existing resources. In many libraries, the collection development policies cover special collections development. The most common development type of special collections is its subject disciplines, while the major factor that influences the development of special collections is library space. The biggest incentives for developing special collections are the prospect of enhancing the general quality and quantity of the collection. However it may lead to the neglect of the development of general collections. Each library uses a different management style, and the same library may have a number of different styles. Most libraries provide equal access to their special collections for both internal and external patrons, but they are almost always limited to library use only. Using library website is the most common way for a library to promote its special collections.

Keywords Collection developmentspecial collectionsUniversity libraries
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DOI 10.6146/univj.17-2.05


序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2007
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.11 No.2
作者 張慈玲
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館館員

由於電子資源蓬勃興起,大學圖書館紛紛引進以滿足師生教學研究之需求,然同時預算規模卻未見增加,加以電子資源市場,尤其是電子期刊部份,每年皆以平均7%~10%漲幅成長,使得圖書館對電子期刊使用及其效益,需要有更清楚的了解與掌握。本研究目的希望能探討電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑相關理論與研究,以ARL E-Metrics計畫為基礎,對大學圖書館電子期刊提出績效評鑑模式芻議與實證分析。

頁碼 143-165
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Title E-Metrics Assessment Model for the Study of Electronic Journals in University Libraries
Author Tze-Ling Chang
Author's title Librarian, National Taiwan University Library

Due to the fast growth of electronic resources, there is a trend for university libraries to acquire such resources to meet the research needs of their users. The libraries' expenditure for electronic resources, especially electronic journals, has been growing at an average rate of 7% to 10% each year, an increase unmatched by the yearly budget. Therefore, it is important for libraries to identify the real usage of the acquired electronic journals, and their benefit to researches at the institution. Through empirical analysis, this study aims to formulate an assessment model for a library's subscription of electronic journals.

Keywords AssessmentE-MetricsElectronic Journal (E-Journal)Electronic resourcesUniversity libraries
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從LibQUAL+ 探討我國大學圖書館服務品質評量

序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2007
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.11 No.2
作者 林鈺雯;范豪英
作者任職單位 朝陽科技大學波錠紀念圖書館館員;國立中興大學圖書資訊學研究所教授

大學圖書館身負支援學術研究與教學的使命,追求卓越的服務品質,對於提振大學學術研究的風氣是一大助益。而以讀者為導向的服務品質評量正是幫助圖書館瞭解讀者評價與看法的最佳途徑之一,對於提昇服務品質具有正面效益。本研究以LibQUAL+ 評量工具為基礎,考量國內大學圖書館環境,以內容分析法、讀者訪談及問卷調查等方法,研究符合我國大學圖書館需求且具體可行的服務品質評量指標,並探討國內大學圖書館實施服務品質評量的情形以及對於實施服務品質評量的看法與期望,俾供日後評量服務品質之參考。

頁碼 19-44
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Title A Study of Service Quality Assessment in University Libraries in Taiwan from the Perspective of LibQUAL+
Author Yu-wen Lin; Ellen F Liu
Author's title Reference Librarian, Chaoyang University of Technology Poding Memorial Library; Professor, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science, National Chung Hsing University

University libraries that provide quality service would enhance academic research on campus. User-oriented assessments on service quality serve as a tool to help libraries understand readers' needs and opinions. The authors attempted to develop a set of workable assessment indicators based on LibQUAL+ to reflect the university library set-up in Taiwan. Content analysis, interviews, and questionnaires were used to find the essential items in service quality assessment for university libraries. Questionnaires were also used to investigate the implementation of service quality assessments for university libraries, and to collect opinions on selected issues.

Keywords LibQUAL+Service qualityService quality assessmentUniversity librariesUser satisfaction
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序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 10月
卷期 Vol.1 No.4
作者 莊道明
作者任職單位 世新大學圖書資訊學系副教授兼圖書館館長


關鍵字 國家資訊基礎建設大學圖書館美國地區臺灣地區資訊網路
頁碼 71-79
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Title Perspective of Future Development of University Libraries in Taiwan From Reviewing the Contents of Web Connectivity in USA
Author Tao-ming Chuang
Author's title Associate Professor and Director of Library, Department of Library and Information Studies, Shin Hsin University

In United States of America, National Information Infrastructure has leading various states to develop their Web plan. From reviewing the contents of Web connectivity of 46 states in America, there are five features , including the expansion of information services through Internet; many states' Web plan being part of state's telecommunication developing plans or policies; emphasis on integrating and sharing state's information resources; the establishment of sufficient finances for Web development; and many special features available in states' Web plan. It suggests that university libraries of Taiwan in the near future should be: 1. to enhance library automation systems; 2. to organize committee to promote Web developing plan; 3. to extend library resource sharing through Internet; 4. to fund sufficient budget for long-term development; 5. to provide ongoing professional training and education for librarian.

Keywords Information netwrokNational Information InfrastructureNIITaiwanUnited State of AmericaUniversity libraries
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序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.1 No.2
作者 王梅玲
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系兼任副教授


關鍵字 全面品質管理再生工程圖書館自動化大學圖書館技術服務組織重整重組電子圖書館
頁碼 29-52
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Title Reorganization of Technical Services in University Libraries
Author Mei ling Wang
Author's title Associate Professor Department of Library and Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

Many university libraries have installed integrated library automation systems since 1980. As library automation has brought a lot of changes traditional library organizations and procedures don't meet the needs of libraries. Many university libraries undertake reorganization of technical services. This paper mainly discusses the reorganization of technical services in university libraries. First fundamental theories on library organization are reviewed. Second six important issues which modern university libraries face are explored. Third ten examples of reorganization of technical services in American university libraries are given detailed description. Fourth the present organizations and problems of technical services in Taiwan university libraries are reported. Finally the paper arrives at conclusions and makes suggestions.

Keywords Electronic libraryLibrary automationReengineeringReorganizationRestructuringTechnical servicesTotal quality managementTQMUniversity libraries
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序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 1月
卷期 Vol.1 No.1
作者 王慧玉
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學醫學院圖書分館

隨著外在服務環境的變遷以及內部專業人力及經費之不足,大學圖書館為支援教學與研究所提供之參考服務在品質上逐漸遭受質疑,引發了學界及業界對資訊時代參考服務之重新省思。有鑑於此,本文首先對傳統參考服務之特色及優缺點加以探討,並介紹學者所提倡之「分化式參考服務模式」(Differentiated Reference Service Model),就其產生之背景、觀念之演進、服務之特色、及實施之優缺點詳加論述,並由美國幾所大學圖書館實施之現況分析其實際應用之可行性。結論指出,分化式參考服務模式對參考服務品質之提升確有助益,相當具有可行性,可作為資訊時代大學圖書館參考服務組織重整時之參考。

關鍵字 分化式參考服務大學圖書館布蘭第斯模式研究諮詢模式
頁碼 55-70
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Title The Feasibility of Differentiated Reference Service Model in University Libraries
Author Hui-yu Wang
Author's title Medical Library, National Taiwan University

Three trends have pushed university libraries to modify the structure of reference service in recent years, which are budgetary stringency, reductions in staffing, and the change of reference environment. University libraries cannot but change the reference model in order to satisfy readers’ needs in information age. This article explores the problems of traditional reference service, introduces the differentiated reference model, including its background, progress, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and analyzes the feasibility of the model by the experience of several university libraries in the United States.

Keywords Brandeis modelDifferentiated reference serviceResearch consultation modelUniversity libraries
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1998
出版月份 1月
卷期 Vol.2 No.1
作者 陳雪華
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館學系暨研究所教授兼系主任、所長


關鍵字 利用教育大學校院圖書館網路資源
頁碼 4-14
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Title A Study on the Implementation of Internet Resources User Education in University Libraries in Taiwan
Author Hsueh-Hua Chen
Author's title Professor and Chairman, Dept. and Graduate Institute of Library Science, National Taiwan University

Many differences exist between information resources on the Internet and those in traditional libraries. In order to satisfy user needs and to achieve the functions of education in the coming era of information network, libraries have to explore the influences of Internet resources on the readers as well as to survey the contents and methods of user education of Internet resources. This area of study is relatively new in Taiwan, thus the author would examine the present situation of user education of Internet resources in the university and college libraries in Taiwan and then provide some suggestions for the future studies in this field.

Keywords Internet ResourcesUniversity librariesUser Education
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.3 No.2
作者 吳明德
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系教授兼圖書館館長


關鍵字 取得大學圖書館收藏電子資源館藏發展
頁碼 4-28
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Title A Study of Collection Development of Electronic Resources in Academic Libraries
Author Ming-der Wu
Author's title Professor & Director, National Taiwan University Library

Electronic resources are very popular nowadays and many materials can be obtained via Internet. Facing the challenge of budget shrinkage, there are many discussion among librarians on the issue that whether access should replace ownership in developing library collections. Some librarians argue that electronic resources will substitute the print materials, and many materials will be published on demand. Therefore, the concept of ownership should be abandoned and it is the library's responsibility to help users to access to the materials when they need. University libraries in Taiwan are taking all efforts to promote the use of electronic resources. There are few appropriate collection development policies for electronic resources and the acquisition are not based on the investigations and the comparisions of the viewpoints of university professors and university librarians as to the uses of electronic resources as well as the concept of access and ownership. The result indicates that both professors and librarians agree that electronic resources are important for teaching and research. The type of material is an important factor when to decide whether electronic format or printed format should be acquired. There are significant differences between professors and librarians about the concept of ownership and quantity of library holdings. Their thoughts concerning the strength and weakness of access and ownership are very similar. However, they do not share the same viewpoints about the fee-based service of electronic resources.

Keywords AccessCollection developmentElectronic resourcesOwnershipUniversity libraries
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序號 9
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2002
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.6 No.2
作者 黃麗虹
作者任職單位 誠信科技股份有限公司


關鍵字 企業文化大學圖書館學術圖書館學院圖書館組織文化組織行為
頁碼 136-158
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Title An Explorative Study of the Similarity Between American and Taiwanese Academic Library Culture from Four Dissertations
Author Li-hung Huang
Author's title Advance Data Technology Corporation

This paper investigates the definition of organizational culture and how it has been developed with reference to four dissertations that focus on academic library organizational culture. An attempt will be made to point out the similarity between American and Taiwanese academic library cultures.

Keywords academic librariescollege librariescorporate cultureorganizational behaviorOrganizational cultureUniversity libraries
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