Hui-yu Wang


序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 10月
卷期 Vol.1 No.4
作者 王慧玉
作者任職單位 國立中興大學圖書館編目組


關鍵字 文獻展現次序次序效應相關判斷賭注效應
頁碼 94-120
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Title An empirical study of the influence of document presentation order on users' judgments of document relevance
Author Hui-yu Wang
Author's title Cataloging Department, National Chung Hsing University Library

Among the numerous variables which influence relevance judgment, document presentation order has been attested to be actually influential by many studies. Since this variable is easy to be controlled by automated information retrieval system, it deserves our more attention and discussion. There are three points in this article: (1) to review the literature on "order effects", which is induced by document presentation order; (2) to verify the hypothesis of "hedging effect", which is one kind of order effect, by a two-stage experiment; and (3) to identify the relationship between number of document and hedging effect.

Keywords document presentation orderhedging effectorder effectsRelevance judgment
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序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 1月
卷期 Vol.1 No.1
作者 王慧玉
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學醫學院圖書分館

隨著外在服務環境的變遷以及內部專業人力及經費之不足,大學圖書館為支援教學與研究所提供之參考服務在品質上逐漸遭受質疑,引發了學界及業界對資訊時代參考服務之重新省思。有鑑於此,本文首先對傳統參考服務之特色及優缺點加以探討,並介紹學者所提倡之「分化式參考服務模式」(Differentiated Reference Service Model),就其產生之背景、觀念之演進、服務之特色、及實施之優缺點詳加論述,並由美國幾所大學圖書館實施之現況分析其實際應用之可行性。結論指出,分化式參考服務模式對參考服務品質之提升確有助益,相當具有可行性,可作為資訊時代大學圖書館參考服務組織重整時之參考。

關鍵字 分化式參考服務大學圖書館布蘭第斯模式研究諮詢模式
頁碼 55-70
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Title The Feasibility of Differentiated Reference Service Model in University Libraries
Author Hui-yu Wang
Author's title Medical Library, National Taiwan University

Three trends have pushed university libraries to modify the structure of reference service in recent years, which are budgetary stringency, reductions in staffing, and the change of reference environment. University libraries cannot but change the reference model in order to satisfy readers’ needs in information age. This article explores the problems of traditional reference service, introduces the differentiated reference model, including its background, progress, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and analyzes the feasibility of the model by the experience of several university libraries in the United States.

Keywords Brandeis modelDifferentiated reference serviceResearch consultation modelUniversity libraries
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