Cheng juei Wu


序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.1 No.2
作者 吳政叡
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系副教授

本文主要在探討大學圖書館應如何來自我調整,以適應新一代電腦科技的衝擊,此波由 World Wide Web、NII、和電子圖書館三者所帶來的新科技,在不久的將來,會重新塑造圖書館的運作方式,而首當其衝者,正是扮演大學資料中心的大學圖書館·在本文中,作者針對圖書館未來的走向,在組織變革、人員訓練、和作業方式等三方面,提出個人的建議·在組織變革方面,主張粗分式架構,分為資料處理組、資訊諮詢組、和技術支援組等三個組·在人員的養成和訓練方面,主張在學校教育中,引進一系列的電腦核心課程,同時大學圖書館也應研討出一套計劃和課程來協助館員,透過在職訓練,學習新的作業技能·在圖書館的運作上,提出未來的五個作業模式︰資料處理一元化、館藏虛擬化、流通電子化和自動化、參考工作專門化、和作業網路化·

關鍵字 大學圖書館數位圖書館組織變革電子圖書館館員訓練
頁碼 111-122
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Title The University Library in the Era of Digital Libraries
Author Cheng juei Wu
Author's title Associate Professor Department of Library & Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

This paper discusses how university libraries should adjust themselves to the impact of the new information technologies such as the World Wide Web the National Information Infrastructure and the Digital Library. These new information technologies will drastically reform university library operations and services in the near future. In order to take advantage of these new technologies the author believes university libraries should address themselves to three main aspects: organization librarian training and operations. In this paper several suggestions are proposed in this work in each of these three aspects.

Keywords Digital libraryLibrarian trainingOrganizational adjustmentUniversity library
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