University library


序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2015
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.19 No.2
作者 張育銘;陳巧倫;陳芷洛
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館學科服務組編審;國立臺灣大學圖書館學科服務組組員;國立臺灣大學圖書館學科服務組組員

近年來,圖書館常以部落格(Blog)作為消息發布、閱讀推廣、館藏資源介紹、參考服務等服務之發佈管道,並藉此與讀者交流互動。然而,如何了解使用情形、評估實際效益、並據以後續改進,是值得省思的議題。本研究以「臺大圖書館參考服務部落格」為對象,利用網站計量軟體Google Analytics 做為分析工具,以了解包括該部落格之造訪、點擊、訪客使用工具、訪客流量來源等使用情形,以作為後續改進之建議。

關鍵字 Google Analytics參考服務大學圖書館部落格
頁碼 129-157
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Title A Case Study on the Use of NTU Library Reference Service Blog
Author Yu-Ming Chang;Chiao-Lun Chen;Chih-Lo Chen
Author's title Librarian, Subject Services Division, National Taiwan University Library;Librarian, Subject Services Division, National Taiwan University;Librarian, Subject Services Division, National Taiwan University Library Library

In recent years, libraries often use Blog as a tool for news release, reading promotion, library resources introduction, reference service, etc, to communicate with readers. This study analyzed “NTU Library Reference Service Blog” by Google Analytics, which is a well-known web metrics tool. The purposes of the study are: to understand the usage of the blog and to evaluate the actual effectiveness of the blog. The results of the research provided valuable reference for future improvement of the blog.

Keywords BlogGoogle AnalyticsReference servicesUniversity library
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序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2012
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.16 No.1
作者 李佩瑾 ; 吳政叡
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學研究所研究生 ; 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系專任教授

現:首先,超過9 成使用者知道小組討論是學習共享空間的特色,近8 成使用者
享空間增加了他們使用圖書館的意願,同時有9 成的使用者認為此空間對於課業
學習是有助益的;再者,近8 成的使用者表示經常來使用學習共享空間,且每週
平均值都接近4(五級量表,5 為最高分)。

關鍵字 使用調查大學圖書館學習共享空間資訊共享空間
頁碼 73-89
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2012.16-1.05
Title Investigation on the Usage of University Libraries' Learning Commons: A Case Study on Fu Jen Catholic University
Author Pei-Jin Li; Cheng-Juei Wu
Author's title Graduate Student, Department of Library and Information Science, Fu-Jen University; Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Fu-Jen University

Questionnaires had been utilized to investigate the usage and satisfaction of
Learning Commons of Fu Jen University’s library from many aspects, including basic
background of users, the reasons to use facilities, major activities, utilization frequency,
and satisfaction of services. The important findings of this investigation were as follows:
firstly, over 90% of users knew group discussion being one of the major features of
Learning Commons and nearly 80% of users could accept it. Secondly, many designing
features, including comfort, openness, good computer hardware and software, group
discussion, of Learning Commons did attract users to the library. In addition, nearly
all users expressed that their will did increased because of the existence of Learning
Commons. In the meantime, nearly 80% of users believed that it was helpful for their
learning as well. Thirdly, nearly 80% of users categorized themselves as frequent
users of Learning Commons and their major activities were information seeking, selfstudying,
group discussion, and entertainment. Lastly, the investigation revealed that the
satisfaction level was near 4 on the 5 scales measurement for all services of Learning

Keywords Information CommonsLearning CommonsUniversity libraryUsage investigation
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2012.16-1.05


序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2012
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.16 No.1
作者 陳書梅 ; 洪新柔
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系教授;高雄市立圖書館閱覽組組員;

此,本研究針對20 位閱讀經驗豐富,並將閱讀視為主要舒緩情緒管道的臺灣大學

關鍵字 大學圖書館大學生情緒療癒閱讀素材發展性書目療法
頁碼 12-35
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2012.16-1.02
Title A Study of the Undergraduates’ Demand for Emotional Healing Reading Materials
Author Su-may Sheih Chen; Hsin-Jou Hung
Author's title Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University; Librarian, Circulation Department, Kaohsiung Public Library

This study focuses on the demands for emotional healing reading materials of
undergraduates. Targeting at 20 undergraduates from National Taiwan University with
the abundance of reading experiences and use reading as a way to relieve negative
emotions, in-depth interviews are conducted to explore their demands of emotional
healing reading materials. The results indicate that (1) common emotional disturbances
of interviewees include problems from schoolwork, peer relationship, as well as love,
and when they face emotional disturbances, they will consider their choice of emotional
healing reading materials according to factors such as “personal interest”, “emotional
disturbance problem” and “contents and topics of the material”. (2) The interviewees
suggest that college libraries should discover and recommend resources with emotional
healing efficacy in their collections, acquire more multimedia emotional healing reading
materials, and establish appropriate management policies for collections of emotional
healing reading materials.

Keywords developmental bibliotherapyEmotional healing reading materialundergraduateUniversity library
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2012.16-1.02


序號 9
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2011
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.15 No.2
作者 洪翠錨
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館視聽服務組館員


關鍵字 多媒體服務中心大學圖書館滿意度調查視聽服務
頁碼 171-194
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2011.15-2.09
Title The Study of User Satisfaction in the Multimedia Center of the National Taiwan University Library
Author Tsui Mao Hung
Author's title Librarian, Multimedia Services Department,National Taiwan University Library

The study examines the user’s satisfaction level with the Multimedia Center of the National Taiwan University Library. Conducted in 2009, the survey aims to analyze users' characteristics, perception and satisfaction with the services, collection, and environment of the Multimedia Center. The results show that undergraduates are the most frequent users. The majority are from the College of Liberal Arts. The main purpose of using the center is for entertainment, followed by learning and research. Generally users are satisfied with the multimedia services. They are pleased with the cozy, commodious space and the always friendly and approachable staff. Yet it is found that many users hope to improve the arrangement of the course reserve collection and Information on Demand (IOD) services. Compared with the previous study in 2001, the current research shows similar findings such as students of the College of Liberal Arts are top users, and entertainment remains the top choice. Presently users are more satisfied with the collection as well as the overall services of the Multimedia Center of the library.

Keywords Audio visual servicesMultimedia centerUniversity libraryUser satisfaction
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2011.15-2.09


序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2011
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.15 No.2
作者 陳盈蓁
作者任職單位 臺北市立圖書館課員

圖書館因應web 2.0 時代發展出許多應用服務,其中以部落格在圖書館的應用最為廣泛。相關文獻多數是從圖書館角度探討部落格服務,比較少部落格使用者的相關研究。而圖書館服務是以讀者為導向,宜從讀者的角度檢視圖書館部落格服務的效益。另外,部落格的特性中以迴響最能展示圖書館與讀者互動之情形,並反應讀者對圖書館服務的意見。且近年來我國已有多所大學圖書館提供部落格服務,本研究分析圖書館部落格的迴響,從讀者的角度探討圖書館的部落格服務。
本研究之研究目的為:1. 分析我國大學圖書館部落格迴響之內容。2. 探討大學圖書館館員以及讀者對於圖書館部落格及迴響之看法。3. 探討部落格對圖書館服務的影響。本研究以內容分析法分析我國大學圖書館部落格迴響之內容,研究對象為臺灣地區之33 所大學圖書館80 個部落格。以訪談法與問卷調查法分別了解館員及讀者對於大學圖書館部落格之看法,研究對象為內容分析中迴響數量最高之5 所圖書館部落格之館員與讀者。根據分析結果,攸關讀者權益之文章迴響數量較多,迴響類別以「回應作者」最多。多數填答者會持續追蹤圖書館部落格,但是於部落格上留下迴響的意願較低。館員表示可從部落格的迴響數量得知讀者關心的議題,並且瞭解讀者的意見與需求。最後,建立圖書館部落格須整體性的規劃,如建置目的、部落格內容、管理人員、推廣及機構首長的支持等,才能使部落格發揮最大效用。

關鍵字 大學圖書館迴響部落格
頁碼 124-145
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2011.15-2.07
Title A Study of University Library Blog Comments
Author Ying-Jean Chen
Author's title Section Assistant, Taipei Public Library

In order to cope with the generation of web 2.0, libraries develop a variety of services and a blog is the most widely-used application of all. In regard to blogs, most studies focused on the blog services from the library’s point of view, leaving out the blog users’. Library service should be reader-oriented; therefore, it is better to examine the library services from the readers’ point of view. Comment is the most representative characteristic of blogs, which not only display the interactions between the library and readers but also expresses the opinions of readers. Lots of university libraries in Taiwan have developed blog services in recent years. This study is intended to analyze blog comments to illustrate library services from the readers’s point of view. Purposes of this study are: 1.To analyze the contents of university library blog comments. 2. To explore the library blogs and comments from viewpoints of librarians as well as readers. 3. To explore the impact of blogs on library services. First, contents of 80 library blogs (in 33 universities) were analyzed. In addition, interviews and survey by questionnaire were conducted to investigate viewpoints of librarians and readers on university library blogs. The research targets are librarians and readers from the top five libraries which possessed more comments on their library blogs. According to the analysis, articles which relevant to readers’ right acquire more comments. Reply to the author is on the top among various types of comments. According to the survey by questionnaires, more than half of respondents tend to obtain the latest news and information concerning library collections. Nevertheless, only a few of them would have willingness to make comments on blogs. Librarians indicated that the more comments readers post, the more librarians can realize what readers concern. In conclusion, libraries would need definite goals, informative blog contents, appropriate management and promotion, and supports from the library authority to provide effective and efficient blog services.

Keywords BlogCommentUniversity library
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2011.15-2.07


序號 1
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2008
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.12 No.2
作者 吳政叡
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊系專任教授


關鍵字 大學圖書館學習共享空間學習空間網路世代設施調查資訊共享空間
頁碼 1-14
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2008.12-2.01
Title A Facility Investigation of Learning Commons at University Libraries for the Net Generation
Author Cheng-Juei Wu
Author's title Professir, Department of Library and Information Science, Fu-Jen University

The characteristics of the Net Generation have become one of the important driving forces behind Learning Commons (or Information Commons). In this work, from the Net Generation€'s perspective, we try to investigate the Learning Commons facilities at libraries which can be used to enhance learning effectiveness. The web pages of 21 university libraries (in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand) have been reviewed to find out about the facilities of their Learning Commons/Information Commons.

Keywords Facility investigationInformation CommonsLearning CommonsLearning spacesNet generationUniversity library
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2008.12-2.01


序號 9
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.1 No.2
作者 涂曉晴
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學醫學院圖書分館


關鍵字 參考服務大學校院圖書館網際網路網際網路利用教育網際網路參考資源
頁碼 123-140
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Title The Research on the Reference Services through Using the Internet among Taiwan's Universities & Colleges' Libraries
Author Yu sheng Liao
Author's title Medical Library, National Taiwan University

Nowadays it is a trend for libraries to provide reference services through the Internet. Libraries have to change the way of and the attitude toward reference service to develop new information services and to upgrade the quality of services. There are lots of documents dealing with the influence of reference service on the Internet. In Taiwan however there are few documents discussing this issue. Thus we do not know much about how the Internet is used to provide reference services in the libraries in Taiwan. This article is intended to research the conditions under which the Internet is being used in providing reference services in the libraries in Taiwan. Furthermore the author also provides some suggestions for the university and college libraries in Taiwan to adequately provide reference services via the Internet and to promote information services.

Keywords College libraryInternetInternet reference resourcesInternet user instructionReference servicesUniversity library
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序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.1 No.2
作者 吳政叡
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系副教授

本文主要在探討大學圖書館應如何來自我調整,以適應新一代電腦科技的衝擊,此波由 World Wide Web、NII、和電子圖書館三者所帶來的新科技,在不久的將來,會重新塑造圖書館的運作方式,而首當其衝者,正是扮演大學資料中心的大學圖書館·在本文中,作者針對圖書館未來的走向,在組織變革、人員訓練、和作業方式等三方面,提出個人的建議·在組織變革方面,主張粗分式架構,分為資料處理組、資訊諮詢組、和技術支援組等三個組·在人員的養成和訓練方面,主張在學校教育中,引進一系列的電腦核心課程,同時大學圖書館也應研討出一套計劃和課程來協助館員,透過在職訓練,學習新的作業技能·在圖書館的運作上,提出未來的五個作業模式︰資料處理一元化、館藏虛擬化、流通電子化和自動化、參考工作專門化、和作業網路化·

關鍵字 大學圖書館數位圖書館組織變革電子圖書館館員訓練
頁碼 111-122
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Title The University Library in the Era of Digital Libraries
Author Cheng juei Wu
Author's title Associate Professor Department of Library & Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

This paper discusses how university libraries should adjust themselves to the impact of the new information technologies such as the World Wide Web the National Information Infrastructure and the Digital Library. These new information technologies will drastically reform university library operations and services in the near future. In order to take advantage of these new technologies the author believes university libraries should address themselves to three main aspects: organization librarian training and operations. In this paper several suggestions are proposed in this work in each of these three aspects.

Keywords Digital libraryLibrarian trainingOrganizational adjustmentUniversity library
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序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.1 No.2
作者 王美鴻
作者任職單位 國立交通大學共同科目通識教學組講師


關鍵字 圖書館管理大學圖書館組織文化
頁碼 53-68
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Title Organizational Change in University Libraries: The Organizational Culture Perspectives
Author Mei-Hung Wang
Author's title Instructor, Division of Gerenal Education, National Chiao Tung University

Due to the impact of new technologies and the modification of the University Law the working process and organizational structure of university libraries have being changed significantly. Considerations of the organizational changes should include two entwined aspects the technical and the cultural. This paper examines the organizational change from the aspect of organizational culture. First the definition and scope of organizational culture are discussed. Second the relationship of leadership and organizational culture is proposed. Finally the author raises four issues on organizational change from the organizational culture perspectives: 1. the cultural fitness 2. the organizational change gap 3. The communication skill of leadership and 4. the ever changing organizational culture.

Keywords Library managementOrganizational cultureUniversity library
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.1 No.2
作者 薛理桂
作者任職單位 國立政治大學圖書資訊學研究所教授


關鍵字 合作合併大學圖書館組織變革電算中心
頁碼 4-19
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Title The Relationship between University Libraries and Computer Centers in the Information Age
Author Li kuei Hsueh
Author's title Professor Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science, National Cheng Chi University

This paper discusses the relationship between university libraries and computer centers in the information age. Since 1980 this issue was popularly discussed in the United States so the literature reviews are mainly focused in that country. Four topics are described in this paper: 1. the missions and characteristics of university libraries; 2. the missions and characteristics of computer centers; 3. the comparison between university libraries and computer centers in which 4 items are compared i.e. (1) staff, (2) budget, (3) service ethic, and (4) status in the university;and 4. In the relationship between university libraries and computer centers 3 relations are discussed, i.e. (1) estranged relations, (2) merged relations and (3) partnership relations.

Keywords Computer centerMergerOrganizational changePartnershipUniversity library
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